

We Are Left To Make This Moment Into A Movement


Dear World, Over the past month, events surrounding the killing of Michael Brown, Jr.---a murder, in my eyes, and in the eyes of many, many others--- has been broadcasted over every means of media and press you could imagine and as you have [...]

Barack Obama Has Forsaken Us, But We Will Not Stop Fighting Injustice


We’re now a month out from the killing of Michael Brown by Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson, and a month away from when a grand jury is likely to decide whether or not to indict him. Yet we still have no answers and [...]

A Unified Statement of Action to Promote Reform and Stop Police Abuse


As national civil and human rights organizations and leaders committed to the protection of the rights of African Americans and all Americans, we come together as a unified collective to urgently impress upon elected officials, law enforcement, the legal profession, businesses and all those in [...]

Irene Robinson Cries, “Mayor You Stole My Children’s Safe, Sane Neighborhood School”


Surrounded by girls, Rasheed Curtis, 6, talks about why Overton should stay open before the last day of school at Overton Elementary School, June 19, 2013. | Jessica Koscielniak ~ Sun-Times Mayor You Stole My Children’s Safe, Sane Neighborhood SchoolA second open letter from Irene Robinson [...]

International Coalition to McDonald’s CEO: Keep Your Word & Ban Ronald McDonald From Schools


Boston – July 29 – Advocacy groups around the world are urging McDonald’s CEO, Don Thompson, to stand by his assertion that Ronald McDonald does not make appearances in schools. At McDonald’s 2014 Annual Shareholder Meeting, Mr. Thompson said, “in schools and our restaurants you [...]

50 Years After Freedom Summer – A New Generation Carries the Torch


Dream Defenders Across Florida Launch Summer Voter Mobilization Project In Lead Up to 2014 Election.Dream Defenders commemorate the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Civil Rights Movement’s 1964 Freedom Summer with a Multi-county Voter Awareness and Education Campaign. Youth in nine major Florida [...]

Now THAT is what you call a National Week of Action!


Recap of the #Brownat60 National Week of Action This past Saturday was the 60th anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education. Parents, students and educators nationwide marked the anniversary with a National Week of Action to demand our country renew its commitment to Brown's [...]

Are You Coming to the National Week of Action?


Find a #Brownat60 event near you or join the action online! Tomorrow, May 17th marks the 60th anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education. Across the country, parents, students and educators are taking part in a National Week of Action to demand that our nation recommit [...]

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