Project Description
Milwaukee Meets New Orleans Panelists
Ray, Karran and Lee are intimately involved with the struggle to make the schools in New Orleans work for the students, parents and the community. Ray is a former Principal and radio talk show host. Karran is a parent and community advisor. Lee is an educator and grassroots organizer. Each of these education activist is involved daily in combating the ill effects of the state run Recovery School District. Each will share their knowledge, experience and best practices, as well as engage in a lively interchange of ideas with the webinar participants.
A Bit of Background. MPS School Reform Initiative

Race and class play a role in education in Milwaukee, and most cities around the country. (Photo: Getty Images)
Look Closely At School Reform Initiative
There’s talk of a new education “reform” initiative directed at Milwaukee Public Schools, based on the experience of what’s been done in New Orleans. We are being told it’s a miracle — a claim we should take with a large dose of skepticism.For the past two years, the Metropolitan Milwaukee Association of Commerce has been talking about introducing a New Orleans-style Recovery School District (RSD). Recently, the Wisconsin Policy Research Institute proposed the same idea in a report titled “Pathway to success for Milwaukee schools.”