
Home/Phoebe Ferguson

About Phoebe Ferguson

Ferguson is a native of New Orleans. She returned to the city in 2002 to make “Member of the Club,” a feature documentary about the rise of New Orleans' black middle class, which opened at the New Orleans Film Festival in 2008. Her film received many awards including the prestigious South Arts Foundation Southern Circuit Tour in 2009. Phoebe moved her business from New York to New Orleans in 2006. Now operating as Bayou and Me Media Productions, Phoebe produces video for foundations largely around the issues of education, creating education DVDs on history and music and teaching students the power of telling stories with film. Phoebe has been passionately involved in community efforts to rebuild the New Orleans public education and has been documenting the historic developments since the fall of 2006 and is currently working on a series of documentary shorts around the takeover of New Orleans public schools. Phoebe is also a co-founder of the Plessy and Ferguson Foundation, a non-profit organization that teaches the history of the case, Plessy v. Ferguson and why itsstill relevant today.
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