

How Good Dads Can Change the World

As well as fighting for women’s equality, we should be lobbying for men to be equal partners at home. The financial and cultural benefits would change our world. Tony has been accumulating identities. He’s the son of Mexican immigrants; his father was abusive. He’s a high [...]

How Good Dads Can Change the World2016-11-29T17:37:12-05:00

How White Male Privilege Allowed Josh Duggar’s Crimes to Be “Forgiven”

We read Josh Duggar Records were Destroyed by Arkansas Police at Judge's Request and what are we to think? Might we consider… How White Male Privilege Allowed Josh Duggar's Crimes to Be "Forgiven"" By Altheria Gaston | Originally Published at For Harriet. May 28, 2015 | Photographic [...]

How White Male Privilege Allowed Josh Duggar’s Crimes to Be “Forgiven”2016-11-29T17:37:13-05:00

What a Real Anti-Poverty Movement Looks Like

By Linda Tirado | Originally Published at Talk Poverty. May 28, 2015 | Photographic Credit; News That Matters There’s no point beating around this bush. An anti-poverty movement led by the middle and upper classes is doomed to failure. Equally, a partisan movement will never manage to [...]

What a Real Anti-Poverty Movement Looks Like2016-11-29T17:37:13-05:00

Is it Ray Rice or Domestic Violence, Police Brutality and The Choices Faced By Black Women?

By Tiffanie Drayton | Originally Published at The Frisky. May 26, 2015 | Photographic Credit; Ray Rice arrives with wife Janay Palmer for an appeal hearing of his suspension. New York. Associated Press Late last week, the charges against football player Ray Rice were all dropped by [...]

Is it Ray Rice or Domestic Violence, Police Brutality and The Choices Faced By Black Women?2016-11-29T17:37:13-05:00

It Doesn’t Matter If We Stay or Run: Killer Cops are Playing a Video Game with Black Lives

"If he's innocent, why did he run," the earnest voices say. It's not hard to understand: They shoot either way By D. Watkins | Originally Published at Salon. May 26, 2015 07:45 AM EDT | FILE - This undated file photo provided by the Cleveland Police Department [...]

It Doesn’t Matter If We Stay or Run: Killer Cops are Playing a Video Game with Black Lives2016-11-29T17:37:13-05:00

Dear Scared Parents

Dear scared parents of Mr. Currie’s students, whom he told a gay love story, We Americans are worried about the bullying of our children. Social media feeds are full of stories of young people who have taken their own lives following on and offline harassment. [...]

Dear Scared Parents2016-11-29T17:37:13-05:00

For Rekia, LaVena, and Shereese: The Importance of #SayHerName

By Marlon Peterson | Originally Published at Gawker. May 22, 2015 1:05 PM Illustration by Tara Jacoby Her name was Shaka and we were in the fifth grade when I decided to kick her square in the stomach. Even though I had a huge crush on her, [...]

For Rekia, LaVena, and Shereese: The Importance of #SayHerName2016-11-29T17:37:13-05:00

Millennials Reveal #WhatWeNeed2016 From Our Presidential Contenders

Another presidential election year will soon be upon us, and media punditry surrounding contenders like Hillary Clinton and Ted Cruz is already beginning to dominate the Interweb. As the list of presidential hopefuls swells, it's time to take a look at the issues that matter [...]

Millennials Reveal #WhatWeNeed2016 From Our Presidential Contenders2016-11-29T17:37:13-05:00

Charter Schools Won’t Solve Racial Injustice in Baltimore, or Anywhere Else

By Jeff Bryant | Originally Published at Education Opportunity Network. May 21, 2015 1:58 PM | Photographic Credit; Young girls near the scene of a burned CVS in West Baltimore. (Jim Bourg/Reuters) The disturbing death of Freddie Gray in Baltimore while in police custody, and the ensuing [...]

Charter Schools Won’t Solve Racial Injustice in Baltimore, or Anywhere Else2016-11-29T17:37:13-05:00
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