
Scott Order: Back Off Common Core Student Testing System

By Leslie Postal and Kathleen Haughney | Originally Published at Orlando Sentinel 9:43 p.m. EDT, September 23, 2013 TALLAHASSEE — Florida retreated Monday from a new multi-state testing system that was to replace FCAT, a move that could appease conservatives opposed to Common Core academic standards on [...]

Scott Order: Back Off Common Core Student Testing System2016-11-29T17:38:40-05:00

Flawed Diagnoses and Inappropriate Cures in Education

You may remember those heady days. It was called the Republican Convention. A large group of Republicans gathered together to celebrate education and the role it played in earlier generations. There were tales of hard-work and high expectations among the exhortations. Those were the days; we learned [...]

Flawed Diagnoses and Inappropriate Cures in Education2016-11-29T17:38:43-05:00

California Accelerates Shift In Student Testing

Common Core State Standards. Love it or loathe it, the implementation allows us to see the prospect of unintended consequences in a new light. Look at policies prompted by the program. Haste and waste are fully exposed in centuries of education policy. We leap and do not [...]

California Accelerates Shift In Student Testing2016-11-29T17:38:44-05:00

Guesses and Hype Give Way to Data in Study of Education

As you contemplate the research and the value of the studies also consider sample sizes, what defines a standard, and also, self-deception. Please ponder before and as you peruse. Truth About Dishonesty yours “We all want explanations for why we behave as we do and for the [...]

Guesses and Hype Give Way to Data in Study of Education2016-11-29T17:38:44-05:00

‘Black Budget’ Summary Details U.S. “Intelligence” Success

"Intelligence." What visions of grandeur does the word conjure up? What does the lexeme connote? Most of us think of "intelligence" as intellect, aptitude, or acumen, any or each. As a society we prize "intelligence." Indeed, we will pay any price to achieve it. Consider the countless [...]

‘Black Budget’ Summary Details U.S. “Intelligence” Success2016-11-29T17:38:44-05:00

Poll: Rising Confidence in U.S. Public School Teachers

While still critical of country's education system, parents are increasingly pleased with teachers' performance Patrik Jonsson, Christian Science Monitor | Originally Published at Salon. August 21, 2013 Public school teachers have taken a bashing, in part because of moves to tie student scores on standardized tests directly [...]

Poll: Rising Confidence in U.S. Public School Teachers2016-11-29T17:38:44-05:00

What We Know Now (and How It Doesn’t Matter)

By P. L. Thomas Originally Published at the becoming radical on August 19, 2013 Randy Olson’s Flock of Dodos (2006) explores the evolution and Intelligent Design (ID) debate that represents the newest attack on teaching evolution in U.S. public schools. The documentary is engaging, enlightening, and nearly [...]

What We Know Now (and How It Doesn’t Matter)2016-11-29T17:38:44-05:00

Our Gilded Age Education System

Photograph; Jeb Bush and Tony Bennett By David Sirota | Originally Published at In These Times In These Times. August 16, 2013 Paradoxes come in all different forms, but here's one that perfectly fits this Gilded Age: the most significant lesson from the ongoing debate about American [...]

Our Gilded Age Education System2016-11-29T17:38:45-05:00

The Disturbing Shift Underway In Early Childhood Classrooms

By Valerie Strauss | Originally Published at The Washington Post. August 2, 2013 Increasingly we hear that academic work, including test prep, is reaching down into the lowest grades, even preschool. Here’s a post with teacher concerns on the issue, written by Geralyn Bywater McLaughlin, Nancy Carlsson-Paige, [...]

The Disturbing Shift Underway In Early Childhood Classrooms2016-11-29T17:38:45-05:00
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