Social Emotional Learning

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What We Know Now (and How It Doesn’t Matter)

By P. L. Thomas Originally Published at the becoming radical on August 19, 2013 Randy Olson’s Flock of Dodos (2006) explores the evolution and Intelligent Design (ID) debate that represents the newest attack on teaching evolution in U.S. public schools. The documentary is engaging, enlightening, and nearly [...]

What We Know Now (and How It Doesn’t Matter)2016-11-29T17:38:44-05:00

Giving Preschoolers Choice Increases Sharing

Originally Published at Science Daily. August 19, 2013 Getting kids to share their toys is a never-ending battle, and compelling them to do so never seems to help. New research suggests that allowing children to make a choice to sacrifice their own toys in order to share [...]

Giving Preschoolers Choice Increases Sharing2016-11-29T17:38:44-05:00

The Disturbing Shift Underway In Early Childhood Classrooms

By Valerie Strauss | Originally Published at The Washington Post. August 2, 2013 Increasingly we hear that academic work, including test prep, is reaching down into the lowest grades, even preschool. Here’s a post with teacher concerns on the issue, written by Geralyn Bywater McLaughlin, Nancy Carlsson-Paige, [...]

The Disturbing Shift Underway In Early Childhood Classrooms2016-11-29T17:38:45-05:00

The Time is Now to Press for Universal Preschool

Originally Published at Nation of Change July 2, 2013 Too often, when it comes to determining whether a new public program is too expensive or not, no one asks, “Compared to what?” What high-performing business, for instance, would forego the need to invest new capital in something [...]

The Time is Now to Press for Universal Preschool2016-11-29T17:38:47-05:00

Bridging The Male Education Gap

For scores, overconfidence has proven to bring us down. What we characterize as confidence might more accurately be a reflection of the stories we tell ourselves. We exaggerate our expectations of consistency. We presume or believe that life is predictable. With little evidence for causality, we create [...]

Bridging The Male Education Gap2016-11-29T17:38:49-05:00

No Learning Without Feeling

By Claire Needell Hollander Originally Published atThe New York Times. June 8, 2013 “IT’S sad,” the kid at the far table told me, “but it’s my favorite poem we worked on.” He was talking about “The Weary Blues,” by Langston Hughes, and although his emotional language was [...]

No Learning Without Feeling2016-11-29T17:38:52-05:00

Dodgeball Should Not Be Part of Any Curriculum, Ever

Making kids play team sports in PE is neither healthy nor educational. By Jessica Olien | Originally Published at Slate. May 12, 2013 | Illustration Credit; Photograph by Presidio of Monterey | Source Flickr As a kid, I wanted desperately to be good at sports. This was [...]

Dodgeball Should Not Be Part of Any Curriculum, Ever2016-11-29T17:38:54-05:00
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