Social Emotional Learning

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Spoiled Rotten — A Timeless Complaint

[This is an expanded version of the published article, which appeared in the Washington Post’s Sunday “Outlook” section.] Pour lire cet article en français, cliquer ici. If the subject is kids and how they’re raised, it seems our culture has exactly one story to tell. [...]

Spoiled Rotten — A Timeless Complaint2016-11-29T17:39:04-05:00

Pitfalls of Perfectionism

You could say that perfectionism is a crime against humanity. Adaptability is the characteristic that enables the species to survive—and if there's one thing perfectionism does, it rigidifies behavior. It constricts people just when the fast-moving world requires more flexibility and comfort with ambiguity than ever. [...]

Pitfalls of Perfectionism2016-11-29T17:39:05-05:00

Seung-Hui Cho. I Mourn Your Life and Loss

By Betsy L. Angert My heart aches. Of course I mourn the passing of the thirty-two Virginia Polytechnic University students, as do we all throughout the globe. Nevertheless, I cannot forget how my heart hurts for the thirty-third victim, the one the media never seems to count [...]

Seung-Hui Cho. I Mourn Your Life and Loss2016-11-29T17:39:05-05:00

The Drug War’s Littlest Victims

Measures to put drug abusers in rehab instead of jail could rescue their kids from the cycle of addiction, foster care and crime. By Nell Bernstein | Originally Published at Salon. October 30, 2002 The last time Tracy Carter, a longtime drug user, was sent [...]

The Drug War’s Littlest Victims2016-11-29T17:39:05-05:00

Robert Reich; My Family Leave Act

For several years now, I've been trying to find a better balance between work and family, and failing miserably. I've only just understood why. It's the word ''balance'' that threw me. I've always assumed that a better balance meant more of what you really want [...]

Robert Reich; My Family Leave Act2016-11-29T17:39:06-05:00
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