

State Conservative Groups Plan US-Wide Assault On Education, Health And Tax

The State Policy Network has an annual warchest of $83m drawn from major donors like David Koch, above, and food giant Kraft. Photograph: Mark Lennihan/AP By Ed Pilkington in New York and Suzanne Goldenberg in Washington | Originally Published at The Guardian. Thursday 5 December 2013 13.21 [...]

State Conservative Groups Plan US-Wide Assault On Education, Health And Tax2016-11-29T17:38:28-05:00

Wall Street is Designing The Future of Public Education as a Money-Making Machine

By Anna Simonton | Originally Published at Salon. December 5, 2013 | This article originally appeared on AlterNet. It has been corrected since it first published. Why are finance types investing in local school board elections? Just follow the money Given that Arthur Rock has a [...]

Wall Street is Designing The Future of Public Education as a Money-Making Machine2016-11-29T17:38:28-05:00

City Hall Squeeze-Out: Proposed Vote on Elected School Board in Jeopardy

By Ted Cox @tedcoxchicago | Originally Published at DNAinfo Chicago. on December 3, 2013 5:56pm Ald. John Arena says there's an organized strategy to keep his proposed referendum on an elected school board off the March primary ballot. DNAinfo/Ted Cox CITY HALL — A [...]

City Hall Squeeze-Out: Proposed Vote on Elected School Board in Jeopardy2016-11-29T17:38:29-05:00

New Orleans Struggles To Provide Adequate Education For Special-Needs Students

Photograph; Kelly Fischer says she visited three New Orleans charter schools, and all told her that they couldn't provide services to her disabled son, Noah. Rush Jagoe for The Wall Street Journal By Kari Harden
 | Originally Published at Louisana Weekly. December 2, 2013 When Kelly Fisher [...]

New Orleans Struggles To Provide Adequate Education For Special-Needs Students2016-11-29T17:38:29-05:00

Why Milwaukee Voucher Students are Returning to Public Schools

By Mary Ellen Flannery | Originally Published at National Education Association [NEA] Today. November 26, 2013 Clarence Montgomery has talked to dozens of parents and guardians whose children have attended voucher schools in Milwaukee, and they all have said the same thing: they want the best education [...]

Why Milwaukee Voucher Students are Returning to Public Schools2013-12-16T16:32:38-05:00

What’s Next For Broken Schools? Keep The Charter Schools Out!

(Photographic Credit: Vadim Georgiev via Shutterstock/Salon) Do we develop children's minds, ensure that public education exists for all, or do we succumb to the pressure that comes from developers? Profiteers and politicians have decided, but what do the people say? "These are the questions" that will confront [...]

What’s Next For Broken Schools? Keep The Charter Schools Out!2016-11-29T17:38:29-05:00

Henry Giroux on the “School to Prison Pipeline”

Originally Published at Bill Moyers and Company. November 22, 2013 Education expert Henry Giroux tells Bill public schools are suffering from an overemphasis on academic testing as teachers are stripped of their powers, in schools with disciplinary systems that resemble prisons. “The discipline, particularly in these urban [...]

Henry Giroux on the “School to Prison Pipeline”2016-11-29T17:38:30-05:00

Privatization is Undoing Brown v. Board of Education

By Paul Buchheit | Originally Published at Salon | This article originally appeared on AlterNet November 19, 2013 Heartland Institute President Joseph Bast called the public school system a “socialist regime.” Michelle Rhee cautions us against commending students for their ‘participation’ in sports and other activities. Privatizers [...]

Privatization is Undoing Brown v. Board of Education2016-11-29T17:38:30-05:00

Rhee’s New Spawn: Democratic Governor Taps Top Charter-Lover For Ticket

"I've crossed the line" seems to be this week's theme. Governor Chris Christie proudly boasts that he was able to endear himself to Democrats, Latinos, and African-American voters. The New Jersey Governor re-elect crossed-the invisible line that divides left from right. He worked to show that he [...]

Rhee’s New Spawn: Democratic Governor Taps Top Charter-Lover For Ticket2016-11-29T17:38:31-05:00
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