

Moody’s: Charter Schools Pose Greatest Credit Challenge To School Districts

Intellectually people may know that Charter Schools are not public, although many are identified as such. After all, as the National Alliance for Charter Schools ascribes "Charter schools are independent public schools", ostensibly being one while essentially being the other. Perhaps, a Charter can best be described [...]

Moody’s: Charter Schools Pose Greatest Credit Challenge To School Districts2016-11-29T17:38:37-05:00

Only 60 Percent of Students from Chicago’s Closed Schools Turn Up at ‘Welcoming Schools’

Photograph; as a designated "welcoming school," Johnson School of Excellence on the West Side got upgrades to technology. But only 34 students out of 145 from shuttered Pope Elementary are enrolled at the school, according to CPS figures | WBEZ/Linda Lutton By Linda Lutton | Originally Published [...]

Only 60 Percent of Students from Chicago’s Closed Schools Turn Up at ‘Welcoming Schools’2016-11-29T17:38:38-05:00

Vouchers Don’t Do Much For Students

By: Stephanie Simon | Originally Published at POLITICO
October 6, 2013 10:50 PM EDT Ever since the Obama administration filed suit to freeze Louisiana’s school voucher program, high-ranking Republicans have pummeled the president for trapping poor kids in failing public schools. The entire House leadership sent a letter [...]

Vouchers Don’t Do Much For Students

The Charter School Mistake

Photograph; Students look for their classrooms on the opening day of instruction at the Westchester Secondary Charter school. (Los Angeles Times / September 3, 2013) By Diane Ravitch | Originally Published at The Los Angeles Times October 1, 2013 Los Angeles has more charter schools than any [...]

The Charter School Mistake2016-11-29T17:38:39-05:00

Charter Schools and the Future of Public Education

By Stan Karp | Originally Published at Rethinking Schools. Fall 2013 | Illustration By Ethan Heitner Colleagues with a shared vision of teaching and learning. Freedom from central office bureaucracy. A welcoming school culture that reflected the lives of our students and families. Professional autonomy [...]

Charter Schools and the Future of Public Education2016-11-29T17:38:39-05:00

Disaster Capitalism and Charter Schools: Revisiting New Orleans Post-Katrina

By Paul L. Thomas, Ed.D. Originally Published at TruthOut Andrea Gabor examines the rise of charter schools in post-Katrina New Orleans, raising an important question in the subhead: “Are New Orleans’s schools a model for the nation—or a cautionary tale?” Gabor ends the piece suggesting caution: But [...]

Disaster Capitalism and Charter Schools: Revisiting New Orleans Post-Katrina2016-11-29T17:38:39-05:00

Milwaukee’s Rally and March for Public Education

On September 21, 2013 a large group of children, parents, grandparents, school staff, teachers and community members gathered to affirm Public Education as a Civil Right. Locals and supporters from miles away came together at Milwaukee High School of the Arts at 10:30 a.m. Once the crowd [...]

Milwaukee’s Rally and March for Public Education2016-11-29T17:38:40-05:00

Flawed Diagnoses and Inappropriate Cures in Education

You may remember those heady days. It was called the Republican Convention. A large group of Republicans gathered together to celebrate education and the role it played in earlier generations. There were tales of hard-work and high expectations among the exhortations. Those were the days; we learned [...]

Flawed Diagnoses and Inappropriate Cures in Education2016-11-29T17:38:43-05:00
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