Charter Schools

The Charter-School Lie: Market-Based Education Gambles With Our Children

New proof that vouchers and charter schools don't reform education, just subject it to the whims of businessmen By Jeff Bryant | Originally Published at Salon. November 4, 2013 | Image Adaptation: AngertAesthetics Just 10 days into a new academic year, classes were abruptly over at one [...]

The Charter-School Lie: Market-Based Education Gambles With Our Children2016-11-29T17:38:35-05:00

Charter School Retracts Letter That Threatens To Remove Students

Students who fail FCAT [The Florida Comprehensive Assessment Tests] are threatened with removal or were. A "poorly written letter" only prompts people to ask, if the school is not selectively enrolling students why was a letter written at all. Charter School Retracts Letter That Threatens To Remove [...]

Charter School Retracts Letter That Threatens To Remove Students2016-11-29T17:38:35-05:00

It’s Not the Person Campbell Brown, But the Principles Not Lived

Josh Haner/New York Times/Redux By Andy Kroll | Originally Published at Mother Jones. October 29, 2013 6:00 AM EDT The former CNN anchor says her nonprofit seeks to protect kids from predators in the classroom. Its real agenda may be union-busting. Early one morning in July, former [...]

It’s Not the Person Campbell Brown, But the Principles Not Lived2016-11-29T17:38:36-05:00

Implementation of I3 Education Grants Being Questioned

By Kari Harden Contributing Writer | Originally Published at Louisiana Weekly. October 28, 2013 Despite being the recipient of an $800,000 federal grant, John McDonogh Senior High School is having serious money problems. In April, Future is Now (FINS), the Charter Management Organization (CMO) running the school, [...]

Implementation of I3 Education Grants Being Questioned2016-11-29T17:38:36-05:00

The Case Against School Privatization

Diane Ravitch joins Melissa Harris Perry. The two discuss Ravitch's latest book, The Reign of Error." The question is what might terrorize Americans most? The answer is anything but ambivalent. The problem is our citizens do not see what hits them directly in the face. Slowly and [...]

The Case Against School Privatization2016-11-29T17:38:36-05:00

New Orleans School Performance Scores Reports and Revelations

New Orleans School Performance Scores Reports and Revelations Failing Schools 2013 According to Bobby Jindal (compared to 62% in 2005) Originally Published at CrazyCrawfish. October 27, 2013 Some of you may have seen reports in the Picayune or from Leslie Jacob’s “Educate [...]

New Orleans School Performance Scores Reports and Revelations2016-11-29T17:38:36-05:00

Moody’s: Charter Schools Pose Greatest Credit Challenge To School Districts

Intellectually people may know that Charter Schools are not public, although many are identified as such. After all, as the National Alliance for Charter Schools ascribes "Charter schools are independent public schools", ostensibly being one while essentially being the other. Perhaps, a Charter can best be described [...]

Moody’s: Charter Schools Pose Greatest Credit Challenge To School Districts2016-11-29T17:38:37-05:00

The Charter School Mistake

Photograph; Students look for their classrooms on the opening day of instruction at the Westchester Secondary Charter school. (Los Angeles Times / September 3, 2013) By Diane Ravitch | Originally Published at The Los Angeles Times October 1, 2013 Los Angeles has more charter schools than any [...]

The Charter School Mistake2016-11-29T17:38:39-05:00

Charter Schools and the Future of Public Education

By Stan Karp | Originally Published at Rethinking Schools. Fall 2013 | Illustration By Ethan Heitner Colleagues with a shared vision of teaching and learning. Freedom from central office bureaucracy. A welcoming school culture that reflected the lives of our students and families. Professional autonomy [...]

Charter Schools and the Future of Public Education2016-11-29T17:38:39-05:00
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