Charter Schools

Why Charter Schools Have High Teacher Turnover

Opportunity Charter School, with 44 percent teacher attrition in 2011-12, actually saw lower turnover than 18 other city charter schools—at least according to state data, which some schools dispute. | Photographic Credit; di Talwar/City Limits By Helen Zelon | Originally Published at City Limits. Wednesday, August 20, [...]

Why Charter Schools Have High Teacher Turnover2016-11-29T17:37:43-05:00

An Open Letter to the Louisiana State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education

You likely heard the stories. You've seen it in the papers. Oprah too sang the praises. In New Orleans, we have witnessed a Miracle. Finally the city is able to provide an excellent education. Yes, the skies opened up. The rains fell. The area was flooded. And [...]

An Open Letter to the Louisiana State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education2016-11-29T17:37:48-05:00

The Charter School Profiteers – Leaving Children So Far Behind Some Cannot Be Found

Photograph; Credit Beth Fertig / SchoolBook By Allie Gross | Jacobin. July 28, 2014In Detroit charter schools, mismanagement and opportunistic “education entrepreneurs” thrive. Jenay* crouches on the carpet, her spine curved into a lowercase “c” as she concentrates on the flimsy picture book in [...]

The Charter School Profiteers – Leaving Children So Far Behind Some Cannot Be Found2016-11-29T17:37:48-05:00

Recover the Recovery School District – Return the Schools to the People

A crowd of about 50 showed up for the charter board meeting. photo: Della Hasselle Introductory Essay By Raynard Sanders, Ed.D., an Educator, a former John McDonogh School Principal and a New Orleans resident The failure of the corporate education reforms in New Orleans has been clearly [...]

Recover the Recovery School District – Return the Schools to the People2016-11-29T17:37:48-05:00

Anger, Frustration as Hundreds of New Orleans Parents Turned Away From Public School Enrollment Center

Hundreds of parents waited in lines at Lake Area School on Paris Avenue Thursday, July 10, 2014, to enroll their children in a Recovery School District school. (Photographs; by Dinah Rogers, / The Times-Picayune) Perhaps today, we have an opportunity to, once again, realize that Charter [...]

Anger, Frustration as Hundreds of New Orleans Parents Turned Away From Public School Enrollment Center2016-11-29T17:37:50-05:00

The Drive to Privatize Public Education – Colonialism Lives

Photograph; Lafayette Academy, the experience of a charter group with the profit-making company it hired to manage instruction offers a cautionary tale of how well-meaning trustees can easily stumble, and of how privatizing management is often far from a panacea | Tim Mueller for The New York [...]

The Drive to Privatize Public Education – Colonialism Lives2016-11-29T17:37:51-05:00

What You Need To Know About Charter Schools

Parents, pundits and politicians, did you get what you expected? If you thought you would get the biggest bang for the buck by pouring taxpayer dollars into charter schools and devoting yourself to public school disinvestment might it be time for a reassessment? After years of being [...]

What You Need To Know About Charter Schools2016-11-29T17:37:54-05:00

Will Anyone Stop Charter School Corruption?

Illustration; Rob Tornoe By Jeff Bryant | Originally Published at Education Opportunity Network. June 25, 2014 at 8:06 PM When politicians and pundits take to the barricades to defend “wonderful charter schools,” is this what they’re thinking of? A recent article in a Minnesota newspaper reported about [...]

Will Anyone Stop Charter School Corruption?2016-11-29T17:37:55-05:00

Instability in the New Orleans Recovery School District – Closing Schools, Opening Schools and Changing School Codes

By Raynard Sanders, Ed.D. | Originally Published at EmpathyEducates. June 19, 2014 Public education in New Orleans has been a nightmare for parents since the state took over most of the schools post Hurricane Katrina. The Louisiana Department of Education has gone to great lengths to mislead [...]

Instability in the New Orleans Recovery School District – Closing Schools, Opening Schools and Changing School Codes2016-11-29T17:37:55-05:00
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