Racial Socioeconomic Relations

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Police Officers Who Violate Citizens’ Rights Must Be Punished. Accountability is the Only Way Forward

There is one criminal justice system for citizens – especially black and brown ones – and another for police in the United State. As a former cop, when I watch the video of Eric Garner being choked out, of him having his face smashed into [...]

Police Officers Who Violate Citizens’ Rights Must Be Punished. Accountability is the Only Way Forward2016-11-29T17:37:24-05:00

Stop Kidding Yourself: The Police Were Created to Control Working Class and Poor People

In most of the liberal discussions of the recent police killings of unarmed black men, there is an underlying assumption that the police are supposed to protect and serve the population. That is, after all, what they were created to do. If only the normal, [...]

Stop Kidding Yourself: The Police Were Created to Control Working Class and Poor People2016-11-29T17:37:25-05:00

The Soapbox: On the Sacrifices Expected of Immigrant Nannies

By Tiffanie Drayton | Originally Published at The Frisky. December 24, 2014 | Photographic Source; For Harriet I have a deep-seated resentment of White parents who specifically hire Black immigrant women or people of color as nannies. Whenever I go to the park or take a stroll [...]

The Soapbox: On the Sacrifices Expected of Immigrant Nannies2016-11-29T17:37:25-05:00

“It May Out-Ferguson Ferguson;” Why Milwaukee’s police violence will horrify you

By Michael H. Carriere | Originally Published at Salon. December 23, 2014 2:58 PM EST | Dontre Hamilton's brother, Dameion Perkins and mother Maria Hamiton listen to speakers on the steps of the federal courthouse Monday, Dec. 22, 2014, in Milwaukee. (Credit: AP) The sad lesson of [...]

“It May Out-Ferguson Ferguson;” Why Milwaukee’s police violence will horrify you2016-11-29T17:37:25-05:00

We Can’t Afford to Hold Our Breath

One recent Wednesday, I sat across from my counselor at the University Health Center and cried. In her hands, she held a small Post-It note on which I had written a list of points I’d hoped we could discuss during our session. She had laughed [...]

We Can’t Afford to Hold Our Breath2016-11-29T17:37:25-05:00

Chicago Police Tortured Dozens of Black Men. Now, Victims Seek Reparations

By F. Amanda Tugade | Originally Published at In These Times. December 17, 2014 | On Tuesday, Dec. 16, members of We Charge Genocide, Chicago Torture Justice Memorial, Project NIA and Amnesty International led a five-mile march from Chicago Police Headquarters to City Hall to show support [...]

Chicago Police Tortured Dozens of Black Men. Now, Victims Seek Reparations2016-11-29T17:37:26-05:00

How Runaway Economic Inequality and Racism Are Linked to Police Killings

Why are white cops shooting unarmed black men? On one level the story is simple: racism. Too many police officers fear people of color in the neighborhoods they patrol, and are likely to over-react with force during encounters. The local courts also engage in discrimination [...]

How Runaway Economic Inequality and Racism Are Linked to Police Killings2016-11-29T17:37:26-05:00

Teaching “Black Lives Matter”

“How should we talk about Ferguson with our students?” was the scheduled topic for the “Teachers Teaching Teachers” (TTT) discussion on Wednesday, December 3. By the time of the Google hangout at 9 pm ET, the event’s panel of educators was still processing what had [...]

Teaching “Black Lives Matter”2016-11-29T17:37:27-05:00

The Black Butterfly Effect

A White co-worker walks up to me as I arrive at my office and asks me accusingly, “Did you know that Antoine Walker’s broke?!” Antoine Walker played in the NBA for twelve years. He was selected to three All-Star teams, won one World Championship, and [...]

The Black Butterfly Effect2016-11-29T17:37:27-05:00
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