

My Son Has Been Suspended Five Times. He’s 3.

I received a call from my sons’ school in March telling me that my oldest needed to be picked up early. He had been given a one-day suspension because he had thrown a chair. He did not hit anyone, but he could have, the school [...]

My Son Has Been Suspended Five Times. He’s 3.2016-11-29T17:37:49-05:00

Colleges Warned They Will Lose Federal Funding For Botching Campus Rape Cases

Hope Brinn and Mia Ferguson stand in front of a blackboard where they have written their complaints about sexual assaults at Swarthmore College (Credit: Michael Bryant/Philadelphia Inquirer) Years ago, while I do not recall how or why it happened I enrolled in classes. The intent was to [...]

Colleges Warned They Will Lose Federal Funding For Botching Campus Rape Cases2016-11-29T17:37:50-05:00

Police Departments Ignore Rampant Sexual Assault by Officers

By Candice Bernd | Originally Published at Truthout July 2, 2014 10:12 | Photographic Credit; Yuri Arcurs (Shutterstock) Nicole Smith is terrified that her rapist, a former police officer, is up for parole soon and could be released from prison, possibly as early as September 2015. Smith's [...]

Police Departments Ignore Rampant Sexual Assault by Officers2016-11-29T17:37:54-05:00

Welcome to Your City – 11 Shocking Facts About America’s Militarized Police Forces

Updated: Welcome to Your Fair City – 11 Shocking Facts About America's Militarized Police Forces The events taking place this evening in Ferguson Missouri only serve to remind us of what has been an American "condition." The " war on drugs" began American Militarization. The “war on [...]

Welcome to Your City – 11 Shocking Facts About America’s Militarized Police Forces2016-11-29T17:37:54-05:00

School Shootings, Armed Officials, and Barometric Pressure

Introductory Essay By Betsy L. Angert | Originally Published at EmpathyEducates. June 10, 2014 It happened again. Today there was another school shooting. The killing of our children, and often by our children is much like the weather. Wait five minutes and it will change. Wait five [...]

School Shootings, Armed Officials, and Barometric Pressure2016-11-29T17:37:56-05:00

Inside the Epidemic of PTSD on the Streets of America

Originally Published at ViceNews. June 5, 2014 1:00 PM There's an epidemic of PTSD in American cities, and it has nothing to do with the wars being fought abroad. Homegrown violence and a sense of impunity in America's urban war zones are leaving thousands of teenagers with [...]

Inside the Epidemic of PTSD on the Streets of America2016-11-29T17:37:57-05:00

Discipline With Our Children in Mind

Have you ever said, did, or been something that got you in trouble? If not as an adult perhaps, at the age of four you hugged a teacher. Might that be a crime? Surely, this act merits a school suspension. It is so cruel. But it cannot [...]

Discipline With Our Children in Mind2016-11-29T17:37:57-05:00

Does the NRA Invite Suicide?

Police barred the Guardian entry from the room in which the NRA held gun-themed activities for children. Photograph: Karen Bleier/AFP/Getty Images Introductory Essay By Betsy L. Angert | Originally Published at EmpathyEducates. April 27, 2014 Surely, it will not happen to you. The telephone will not ring [...]

Does the NRA Invite Suicide?2016-11-29T17:38:04-05:00

Do We Protect Our Children?

Introductory Essay By Betsy L. Angert | Originally Published at EmpathyEducates. On this the fifteen anniversary of the Columbine High School shooting it is time to remember what became our nations mission; we must protect our children. For Sam and his fellow survivors, it happens every [...]

Do We Protect Our Children?2016-11-29T17:38:05-05:00
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