

For Rekia, LaVena, and Shereese: The Importance of #SayHerName

By Marlon Peterson | Originally Published at Gawker. May 22, 2015 1:05 PM Illustration by Tara Jacoby Her name was Shaka and we were in the fifth grade when I decided to kick her square in the stomach. Even though I had a huge crush on her, [...]

For Rekia, LaVena, and Shereese: The Importance of #SayHerName2016-11-29T17:37:13-05:00

Millennials Reveal #WhatWeNeed2016 From Our Presidential Contenders

Another presidential election year will soon be upon us, and media punditry surrounding contenders like Hillary Clinton and Ted Cruz is already beginning to dominate the Interweb. As the list of presidential hopefuls swells, it's time to take a look at the issues that matter [...]

Millennials Reveal #WhatWeNeed2016 From Our Presidential Contenders2016-11-29T17:37:13-05:00

Charter Schools Won’t Solve Racial Injustice in Baltimore, or Anywhere Else

By Jeff Bryant | Originally Published at Education Opportunity Network. May 21, 2015 1:58 PM | Photographic Credit; Young girls near the scene of a burned CVS in West Baltimore. (Jim Bourg/Reuters) The disturbing death of Freddie Gray in Baltimore while in police custody, and the ensuing [...]

Charter Schools Won’t Solve Racial Injustice in Baltimore, or Anywhere Else2016-11-29T17:37:13-05:00

New Orleans RSD Compared to Traditional Schools

By Michael Deshotels | Originally Published at Lousiana Educator. May 21, 2015 The national news media has been reporting for several years now that the "portfolio" of charter schools created to run the state takeover schools in New Orleans have produced an amazing turnaround of those schools [...]

New Orleans RSD Compared to Traditional Schools2016-11-29T17:37:13-05:00

The Tenth Anniversary of Katrina — An Ideal Time for a Congressional Hearing on the Use of Federal Funds?

By Willie M. Zanders, Sr. | Originally Published at New Orleans Public Schools Employees Justice. May 18, 2015 | Photographic Credit; Original Plaintiffs and Class Representatives / A Square Photo New Orleans Public School Employees Will Request a Congressional Hearing on the $750 Million Federal Fund to [...]

The Tenth Anniversary of Katrina — An Ideal Time for a Congressional Hearing on the Use of Federal Funds?2016-11-29T17:37:13-05:00

Stand Your Ground Makes No Sense

IT’S been 10 years since Florida enacted a beefed-up Stand Your Ground law. Since 2005, roughly half the states have passed this law, or one like it. The National Rifle Association led the charge, arguing that Stand Your Ground laws would improve public safety and [...]

Stand Your Ground Makes No Sense2016-11-29T17:37:14-05:00

Racism Does Not Take a Holiday on Mother’s Day

By Chauncey DeVega | Originally Published at We Are Respectable Negroes. May 10, 2015 Mother's Day has history. In the United States, racism and white supremacy are in the blood and sinew--quite literally of the land--and penetrate almost every aspect of the culture. Mother's Day cannot escape [...]

Racism Does Not Take a Holiday on Mother’s Day2016-11-29T17:37:14-05:00

Chicago’s Reparations for Police Torture Victims Offer a Glimpse of the Power of #BlackLivesMatter

The youth uprisings around the country have ignited a fire that is blazing a path for change and justice. By Kirsten West Savali | Originally Published at The Root May 8 2015 2:23 PM | Demonstrators gather in Daley Plaza in Chicago April 14, 2015, to draw [...]

Chicago’s Reparations for Police Torture Victims Offer a Glimpse of the Power of #BlackLivesMatter2016-11-29T17:37:14-05:00

Why Do We Applaud Rebellion in Film, But Not in Baltimore’s Streets?

Over the past few years, Americans have spent millions of dollars to enjoy fictional rebellion. Combined, "The Giver," the "Hunger Games" series, and the "Divergent" series — all novels turned films — have amassed over $2 billion globally. In addition to their financial success, they have [...]

Why Do We Applaud Rebellion in Film, But Not in Baltimore’s Streets?2016-11-29T17:37:14-05:00
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