Time's Editors decided to sensationalize the topic and blame the educators who dedicate their lives to serving students. Look at the cover. While the article may be more balanced first impressions linger. Time magazine is about to use its cover to blame teachers for [...]

Organizing for Educational Justice for All – May 13, 2014 in Videos
empathy2016-11-29T17:39:26-05:00Reclaiming the Promise of Public Education...A Journey For Justice We Are Reclaiming Our Public Schools: 60 Years After– Reclaiming the Promise of Public Education May 13, 2014 We are reclaiming our public schools. We demanding that the promise of [...]

Great Governors Support Quality Education
empathy2016-11-29T17:39:29-05:00This weekend, governors from across the nation will gather in Washington, D.C., for the National Governors Association’s annual winter meeting. Now is the perfect time to encourage your governor to reclaim the promise of public education on behalf of America’s youth. Tell your governor that America’s children [...]