Slide backgroundTo Write

is to realize!

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again and again

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and Remember.


How many of us, throughout our lives, or on occasion have kept a personal diary, a journal, or a chronicle of sorts. Perhaps, our professional status necessitates a living record of what we think, say, do or did. Certainly historians can and will tell our tale, even if only anecdotally. Friends and family might do a better job. Surely, societal and private filters change perceptions. That said, biographical data does not replace a first-hand accounting.

Walk with us as we open our doors. Turn the keys. How did each of us come to be? Who are we and why?

  • Read our stories.
  • Share your own.
  • It is never too late to learn from our past, to better understand the present, and to build the finest of futures.

Irene Robinson Cries, “Mayor You Stole My Children’s Safe, Sane Neighborhood School”

Surrounded by girls, Rasheed Curtis, 6, talks about why Overton should stay open before the last day of school at Overton Elementary School, June 19, 2013. | Jessica Koscielniak ~ Sun-Times Mayor You Stole My Children’s Safe, Sane Neighborhood SchoolA second open letter from Irene Robinson [...]


Memoir; Star Student Tried to Get Into College and Could Not

This Teacher Made A Video About His Star Student Trying To Get Into College. She's Not Getting In. Clint Smith tells us that "Everything I write, even when it’s not directly about me, is informed by my students. "Memoir” wasn’t something I thought about until I [...]


Alyn D. Johnson; Freedom, Justice, and Lessons Learned From ’63 Boycott

Written By Alyn [Before the Film Preview Screening '63 Boycott and Forum] The Past is similar to today! Black people were separated from white people in the past. What do you do when you have trouble? Maybe run or call for help? If you [...]


Becoming White: Reinterpreting a Family Story by Putting Race Back into the Picture

I grew up hearing stories about a great-great-grandmother who immigrated from Switzerland to the U.S. by way of New Orleans. According to stories, she was a linguist who spoke four or five languages fluently, an accomplished seamstress, and a medium. (My siblings and I loved the idea [...]