

For Rekia, LaVena, and Shereese: The Importance of #SayHerName

By Marlon Peterson | Originally Published at Gawker. May 22, 2015 1:05 PM Illustration by Tara Jacoby Her name was Shaka and we were in the fifth grade when I decided to kick her square in the stomach. Even though I had a huge crush on her, [...]

For Rekia, LaVena, and Shereese: The Importance of #SayHerName2016-11-29T17:37:13-05:00

Millennials Reveal #WhatWeNeed2016 From Our Presidential Contenders

Another presidential election year will soon be upon us, and media punditry surrounding contenders like Hillary Clinton and Ted Cruz is already beginning to dominate the Interweb. As the list of presidential hopefuls swells, it's time to take a look at the issues that matter [...]

Millennials Reveal #WhatWeNeed2016 From Our Presidential Contenders2016-11-29T17:37:13-05:00

The Tenth Anniversary of Katrina — An Ideal Time for a Congressional Hearing on the Use of Federal Funds?

By Willie M. Zanders, Sr. | Originally Published at New Orleans Public Schools Employees Justice. May 18, 2015 | Photographic Credit; Original Plaintiffs and Class Representatives / A Square Photo New Orleans Public School Employees Will Request a Congressional Hearing on the $750 Million Federal Fund to [...]

The Tenth Anniversary of Katrina — An Ideal Time for a Congressional Hearing on the Use of Federal Funds?2016-11-29T17:37:13-05:00

Stand Your Ground Makes No Sense

IT’S been 10 years since Florida enacted a beefed-up Stand Your Ground law. Since 2005, roughly half the states have passed this law, or one like it. The National Rifle Association led the charge, arguing that Stand Your Ground laws would improve public safety and [...]

Stand Your Ground Makes No Sense2016-11-29T17:37:14-05:00

Chicago’s Reparations for Police Torture Victims Offer a Glimpse of the Power of #BlackLivesMatter

The youth uprisings around the country have ignited a fire that is blazing a path for change and justice. By Kirsten West Savali | Originally Published at The Root May 8 2015 2:23 PM | Demonstrators gather in Daley Plaza in Chicago April 14, 2015, to draw [...]

Chicago’s Reparations for Police Torture Victims Offer a Glimpse of the Power of #BlackLivesMatter2016-11-29T17:37:14-05:00

Why Do We Applaud Rebellion in Film, But Not in Baltimore’s Streets?

Over the past few years, Americans have spent millions of dollars to enjoy fictional rebellion. Combined, "The Giver," the "Hunger Games" series, and the "Divergent" series — all novels turned films — have amassed over $2 billion globally. In addition to their financial success, they have [...]

Why Do We Applaud Rebellion in Film, But Not in Baltimore’s Streets?2016-11-29T17:37:14-05:00

‘They Took the Whole Thing as a Joke’: Why Rekia Boyd’s Killer Went Free

Rekia Boyd was shot in the head by an off-duty Chicago police officer. On the day of her funeral, her family was sent a box of her possessions: a yellow purse and a Ziploc bag full of bloody hair. Three years later, on April 20 [...]

‘They Took the Whole Thing as a Joke’: Why Rekia Boyd’s Killer Went Free2016-11-29T17:37:14-05:00

Baltimore Residents: “We Just Can’t Go Back”

By Juan M. Thompson | Originally Published at The Intercept. May 3, 2015 | Photographic Credit; David Goldman/AP After prosecutor Marilyn Mosby charged six Baltimore police officers with the killing of Freddie Gray, this city, which had been roiled by protests since his death in police custody [...]

Baltimore Residents: “We Just Can’t Go Back”2015-05-08T02:19:42-04:00

Un-Masking the “Flim-Flam” Education Reform New Orleans Style

The Faces and the Money Behind the Post-Katrina Education Reforms By Elizabeth K. Jeffers | Originally Published at The New Orleans Tribune. May/June 2015 Edition Unidentified workers cleaning the former site of John McDonogh High School as recently as mid-May. The Recovery School District recently announced [...]

Un-Masking the “Flim-Flam” Education Reform New Orleans Style2016-11-29T17:37:14-05:00
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