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Parents Livid Over CPS Investigators Questioning Kids Over ISAT Boycott

Photograph; Drummond Montessori School students were pulled out of class and questioned about the recent ISAT tests Thursday afternoon 3-20-14. | Kevin Tanaka/For Sun-Times Media By Jon Seidel And Mitch Dudek | Originally Published at Chicago Sun Times. March 20, 2014 Furious Bucktown elementary school parents said [...]

Parents Livid Over CPS Investigators Questioning Kids Over ISAT Boycott2016-11-29T17:38:11-05:00

NPR Whitewashes “Grit” Narrative

By Paul L. Thomas, Ed.D. | Originally Published at The Becoming Radical. March 17, 2014 Albeit from different ideologies, NPR and Fox News have something really disturbing in common: Bias masked as, to use the Fox slogan, “fair and balanced.” In fact, the breezy tone of NPR [...]

NPR Whitewashes “Grit” Narrative2016-11-29T17:38:12-05:00

Zero-Tolerance Strikes Again: Holding Up Three Fingers in a Photo Got this 15-Year-Old Suspended

By Sarah Fuss | Originally Published at TakePart. March 12, 2014 Dontadrian Bruce is the kind of kid the U.S. Departments of Education and Justice might have had in mind when they released the new school disciplinary guidelines in January. The new federal approach urges schools to [...]

Zero-Tolerance Strikes Again: Holding Up Three Fingers in a Photo Got this 15-Year-Old Suspended2016-11-29T17:38:12-05:00

Charter School Closure: Supply and Demand?

Photograph; John McDonogh High School Principal Marvin Thompson attends the first Future Is Now Schools charter board meeting since administrators learned the school would close at the end of the current academic year. (March 11, 2014.) (Danielle Dreilinger, | The Times-Picayune) Over the last few decades, [...]

Charter School Closure: Supply and Demand?2016-11-29T17:38:12-05:00

Tense Moments in de Blasio’s TV Interview

The war on teachers, unions, and public education, if it exists, is evidence in an interview, or more so in the message, 'trend on the tax relief our charter schools receive and we will retaliate.' Close any charter schools or do not give these institutions the option [...]

Tense Moments in de Blasio’s TV Interview2016-11-29T17:38:12-05:00

Rocketship’s Rich Patron, Reed Hastings, Drops a Bombshell: “Get Rid of School Boards”

Photograph; Reed Hastings, Credit: James Duncan Davidson/O’Reilly Media, Incorporated Dr. Raynard Sanders, is an education expert. In New Orleans he is known for having and sharing the true story. When asked about “The New Orleans Miracle” his response is there is none. The host of New Orleans [...]

Rocketship’s Rich Patron, Reed Hastings, Drops a Bombshell: “Get Rid of School Boards”2016-11-29T17:38:12-05:00

New Survey: Teachers Say Their Voices Aren’t Being Heard

By Emily Richmond | Originally Published at Education Writers Association. February 26, 2014 When it comes to having their voices heard, teachers overwhelmingly say they aren’t being listened to on matters of education policy at the state or national level. At the school level, however, 69 percent [...]

New Survey: Teachers Say Their Voices Aren’t Being Heard2016-11-29T17:38:14-05:00

House Democrats to Duncan: States are Backsliding on Help for Low Achievers

Photograph; J. Scott Applewhite/AP - Rep. George Miller (D-Calif.), the ranking member of the House Committee on Education and the Workforce. The word "Democrat" or "Republican" can be a flashpoint. The term "Tea Party" too ignites a flame and yet, at times, any of the three can [...]

House Democrats to Duncan: States are Backsliding on Help for Low Achievers2016-11-29T17:38:15-05:00

Teflon, Fatalism, and Accountability

By Paul L. Thomas, Ed.D. | Originally Published at The Becoming Radical. February 6, 2014 One legacy of Ronald Reagan’s presidency is his being tagged the Teflon president, as Patricia Schroeder explained: As a young congresswoman, I got the idea of calling President Reagan the “Teflon president” [...]

Teflon, Fatalism, and Accountability2016-11-29T17:38:18-05:00
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