Racial Socioeconomic Relations

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Imagining Equity Literacy

By Paul C. Gorski | Originally Published at Teaching Tolerance. April 10, 2014 Cultural competence: I learn about Latino culture so that I can communicate effectively with my Latino students’ families. Cultural proficiency: Acknowledging the tremendous diversity among Latino families, I learn about the cultures, identities and [...]

Imagining Equity Literacy2016-11-29T17:38:06-05:00

Report Warns of “Hyper-Segregated” Charters

New York State has received their just reward, the highest dishonor. The schools statewide are known to engage in "double segregation." Students are increasingly isolated not only by race, but also by income. A Black or Latino student in New York State likely attends a school with [...]

Report Warns of “Hyper-Segregated” Charters2016-11-29T17:38:06-05:00

Gentrification’s Insidious Violence: The Truth About American Cities

Photograph; Your neighborhood is being gentrified if there is a coffeehouse with a mustached-indie-sustainable-farmer-hipster-barista who's very serious... | Andrew Burton/Getty Images Too many claim white people are at risk in communities of color. Really, it's those communities that are threatened By Daniel José Older | Originally Published [...]

Gentrification’s Insidious Violence: The Truth About American Cities2016-11-29T17:38:06-05:00

Why the Illusion of a Violent Generation Endures

Photograph By Todd Heisler/The New York Times, via Redux By Bonnie Bertram | Originally Published at The Daily Beast. April 8, 2014 When a phrase like ‘The Knockout Game,’ ‘Crack Babies,’ or ‘Super Predators’ is dubbed in the media, the story takes on a life [...]

Why the Illusion of a Violent Generation Endures2016-11-29T17:38:06-05:00

The School-to-Prison Pipeline Can Be Stopped

Which 'Culture' Will We Adopt? Inmates at the Caddo Juvenile Detention Center in Shreveport, La., in 2010.Val Horvath/The Times/AP By Dana Goldstein | Originally Published at AlterNet. April 7, 2014 Destiny was in eighth grade when, in the middle of an altercation with another student, she grabbed [...]

The School-to-Prison Pipeline Can Be Stopped2016-11-29T17:38:06-05:00

5 Studies Debunking the Myth of Racial Colorblindness

By K. Abel | Originally Published at The Atlanta Black Star. April 7, 2014 The United States of America has been labeled the melting pot of the Western world by branding itself as a haven for all people seeking success and freedom. Despite a brutal history of [...]

5 Studies Debunking the Myth of Racial Colorblindness2016-11-29T17:38:06-05:00

Is it Time to Replace the Cult of Finland With the Cult of New Jersey?

By Kevin Drum | Originally Published at Mother Jones. April 2, 2014 Vikram Bath takes on the cult of Finland today. What's that? You didn't realize Finland had a cult? Well, it does in the education community, where Finland's consistently high scores on the international PISA test [...]

Is it Time to Replace the Cult of Finland With the Cult of New Jersey?2016-11-29T17:38:07-05:00

The Source of Black Poverty Isn’t Black Culture, It’s American Culture

Photograph; The American Dream by Margaret Bourke-White By Philip Bump | Originally Published at The Wire. April 1, 2014 Americans don't want to imagine that our racist history is actually an ongoing, racist reality. We like to look at racism as a thing that has gotten better [...]

The Source of Black Poverty Isn’t Black Culture, It’s American Culture2016-11-29T17:38:07-05:00

The Real Reasons New York has the Country’s Most Segregated Schools

Photograph Credit Chris Hondros/Getty By Conor P. Williams | Originally Published at The Daily Beast. March 31, 2014 New York schools are the most segregated in the country according to a new study, but blaming charter schools, which only serve 6% of city students, won’t fix the [...]

The Real Reasons New York has the Country’s Most Segregated Schools2016-11-29T17:38:07-05:00
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