

White America’s Silence on Police Brutality Is Consent

By Donovan X. Ramsey | Originally Published at Gawker. April 10, 2015 11:45AM | Image by Sam Woolley; Photographic Credit; Shutterstock Late Tuesday, news broke that yet another unarmed American, a black man named Walter Scott, was killed by a white police officer. As with Tamir Rice, [...]

White America’s Silence on Police Brutality Is Consent2016-11-29T17:37:16-05:00

The Soapbox: There Is No Justification For An Adult Raping A Minor

By: Tiffanie Drayton | Originally Published at The Frisky. | March 23, 2015 | Image Credit; IBN Live. When I read an article (via Facebook) about a 23-year-old man being charged with the rape of a 12-year-old girl, after being caught by the child’s mother engaging in [...]

The Soapbox: There Is No Justification For An Adult Raping A Minor2016-11-29T17:37:17-05:00

As Awareness of the School-to-Prison Pipeline Rises, Some Schools Rethink the Role of Police

By Harold Jordan | Originally Published at American Civil Liberties [ACLU] of Pennsylvania. March 20, 2015 1:00 PM | Photographic Credit; Officer Sgt. Mark Spain joins students in the lunch room during the day at the Watervliet, N.Y. Elementary School (Skip Dickstein/Times Union) As talk of law [...]

As Awareness of the School-to-Prison Pipeline Rises, Some Schools Rethink the Role of Police2016-11-29T17:37:17-05:00

Yes, Black America Fears the Police. Here’s Why

Last July 4, my family and I went to Long Island to celebrate the holiday with a friend and her family. After eating some barbecue, a group of us decided to take a walk along the ocean. The mood on the beach that day was [...]

Yes, Black America Fears the Police. Here’s Why2016-11-29T17:37:20-05:00

Addressing the School to Prison Pipeline: Why Education Is the Liberation of Black Youth

By Jonathan Stith | Originally Published at Huffington Post Black Voices. February 11, 2015 12:44 PM EST | Photographic Credit; Getty Images There is a war going on outside -- that no Black youth is safe from. Most recently, we've seen this war played out through the [...]

Addressing the School to Prison Pipeline: Why Education Is the Liberation of Black Youth2016-11-29T17:37:21-05:00

Broken Windows. Broken People. Broken Policing

You can see the fear on our children's faces. Parents and grandparents too wear the pain. For the families of color times have not changed. The "talks" are many. For the most part, it is all the same. Except there is a difference. Decades ago, we [...]

Broken Windows. Broken People. Broken Policing2016-11-29T17:37:22-05:00

Police Reform Is Impossible in America

In recent weeks, the White House has reaffirmed its commitment to strengthening "community policing" around the country. The U.S. Conference of Mayors has coalesced around the same theme, releasing a report days ago with recommendations for community policing measures to be adopted nationally. The suggestions for [...]

Police Reform Is Impossible in America2016-11-29T17:37:22-05:00

How ‘Broken Windows’ Policing Harms People of Color

"Every time you see me you want to harass me." The "Broken Windows" theory is not merely a theory but a policy that not only permits, but encourages "discretionary" arrests for "misdemeanors like subway misdemeanors like subway graffiti turnstile jumping or jaywalking. …" ""Broken [...]

How ‘Broken Windows’ Policing Harms People of Color2016-11-29T17:37:22-05:00

All the Chicago Mayoral Candidates Are Getting It Wrong: We Don’t Need More Cops

The only real solution to reducing violence is reducing inequality. By Andy Thayer | Originally Published at In These Times. January 23, 2015 | Photographic Credit; Erin Nekervis / Flickr [ For decades, every Chicago mayoral election has featured calls more for hiring more cops. Emanuel and [...]

All the Chicago Mayoral Candidates Are Getting It Wrong: We Don’t Need More Cops2016-11-29T17:37:23-05:00
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