Education Policy

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The Promise and Ways to Reclaim It; National Day of Action!


Throughout this nation there is a sense of frustration. In the land of opportunity much has been lost. At birth, in this democracy, we are promised life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Quality education for all helps ensure the latter two of these. Our [...]

Presenting No Evidence


Reference Publication: Review of Two Presentations on the Portfolio School Model | Download the Report Advocates for “Portfolio School Districts” Oversell their Product
William J. Mathis, (802) 383-0058,
Elizabeth DeBray, (706) 542-6249, URL for this press release: BOULDER, CO (October 8, 2013) – ‘Portfolio [...]

Broader Bolder Approach to Early Childhood Education Policy


Broader Bolder Early Childhood Framework (click on graphics to enlarge) Slide One This presentation provides information, statistics, and arguments in favor of a broad set of early childhood care and education policies, including: Parental leave Nurse and other professional home [...]

School-Prison-To-Pipeline – Gone Too Far; Our Kids in Handcuffs


School-Prison-To-Pipeline – The Civil Liberties Challenge The ACLU is committed to challenging the "school to prison pipeline," a disturbing national trend wherein children are funneled out of public schools and into the juvenile and criminal justice systems. [...]

Milwaukee Targeted As Next New Orleans-Style “Recovery Zone”


Milwaukee's public school system, already hit hard by devastating budget cuts and teacher firings, has become the next big urban school system to be targeted for privatization. MPS, the home of the nation's first crippling school voucher system, is now threatened with a New Orleans-style [...]

Mismatches in Race to the Top Limit Educational Improvement


The Broader, Bolder Approach to Education (BBA) in partnership with the Economic Policy Institute released a comprehensive research report titled Mismatches in Race to the Top Limit Educational Improvement. The extensive study reveals a reality that is too often customary; in America we propose policies, pass Bills [...]

NEPC; Research-Based Options for Education Policymaking


William J. Mathis June 13, 2013 Press Release Media Citations Research-Based Options for Education Policymaking is a 10-part brief that takes up important policy issues and identifies policies supported by research. Each section focuses on a different issue, and its recommendations for policymakers are based on the [...]

Corporations Contribute Your Fair Share! Support The Students


Take Action! Cash Can Do Good when it supports our Children. Too often under the guise of Leave No Child Behind, we leave all our students wanting, waiting, and waning in a sea of high-stakes tests. What do we offer our offspring? Little in the way [...]

Common Core State Standards [CCSS] Overview


Common Core State Standards Overview The issue of Common Core State Standards is ubiquitous, more so today than it was in previous years. [To review the recent incarnation please peruse Common Core State Standards Initiative. This model is but the latest expression of a need for [...]

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