

Infographic: Why Corporations Want Our Public Schools


By YES! Editors | Originally Published at YES! Magazine February 21, 2014 Where’s the big money in privatization? Take it from the teachers. This article is from Education Uprising, the Spring 2014 issue of YES! Magazine.

Great Governors Support Quality Education


This weekend, governors from across the nation will gather in Washington, D.C., for the National Governors Association’s annual winter meeting. Now is the perfect time to encourage your governor to reclaim the promise of public education on behalf of America’s youth. Tell your governor that America’s children [...]

The Assessment Landscape – Chris Tienken


“Provide our children with rich diverse curriculum with multiple pathways to success that they need to become cognitively nimble and responsible citizens. …stop wasting time, money and children’s futures on trying to compare them to some mythical prototype in another country or trying to make every child [...]

Infographic: Alternatives to School Closures


Public schools are the heart of every community, a place where the next generation of doctors, engineers, writers and artists learn and grow. They are where parents, teachers and community members come together to support their children and invest in their futures. When schools struggle, it is [...]

Report: An Empirical Critique of “One Newark”


Our new report, originally published on January 24, 2014, is too long to post in its entirety in blog form. The report can be downloaded here: Weber.Baker_OneNewark_Jan24_2014 Below is the executive summary of the report: Executive Summary On December 18, 2013, State Superintendent Cami Anderson announced [...]

How Conservatives Hijacked “Colorblindness” and Set Civil Rights Back Decades


Why do so many whites respond to the dog whistle refrain that they, and not minorities, are today’s most likely victims of racial discrimination? Colorblindness helps to legitimate the substance of dog whistle complaints because it promotes understandings of race and racism that obscure discrimination [...]

A Racio-Economic Analysis of Teach for America: Counterstories of TFA Teachers of Color


Yvette V. Lapayese, Ph.D., Loyola Marymount University
Ursula S. Aldana, Ph.D.,Loyola Marymount University
Eduardo Lara, Ph.D. Candidate, UCLA Graduate School of Education and Information Studies | Originally Published at Penn GSE Perspectives on Urban Education. | Volume 11 Issue 1 Winter 2014 Download the Report [pdf] Introduction One [...]

How the Genteel Rhetoric of “States’ Rights” Grew the “White Man’s Party”


Few names conjure the recalcitrant South, fighting integration with fire-breathing fury, like that of George Wallace. The central image of this “redneck poltergeist,” as one biographer referred to him, is of Wallace during his inauguration as governor of Alabama in January 1963, before waves of [...]

Most States Are Cutting Education


Most States Are Cutting Education Download PDF of this report (14pp.) By Nicholas Johnson, Jeremy Koulish and Phil Oliff Updated February 10, 2009 Thirty-six states have cut education or proposed such cuts because they face massive, devastating budget deficits in this recession. The combination of rising unemployment, [...]

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