In Ferguson, a wound bleeds. For 108 days, we have been in a state of prolonged and protracted grief. In that time, we have found community with one another, bonding together as family around the simple notion that our love for our community [...]

In Ferguson, a wound bleeds. For 108 days, we have been in a state of prolonged and protracted grief. In that time, we have found community with one another, bonding together as family around the simple notion that our love for our community [...]
The unlawful slaughter of black bodies by the hands of power has continued day after day, year after year, century after century, life by precious life, since before the first chain was slipped around black wrists. Black youth, brimming with untapped potential, but [...]
Fixing Public Education Published by Pepper Tree Fixing Public Education After three years of research and writing ten educators derive the ideal public (or private or charter) school curriculum. What does “Ideal” mean? The ideal school in FIXING PUBLIC EDUCATION is titled the [...]
Moral Movement...How Do You Get There? Language. Method. Discipline Moral Movement. How Do You Get There? Language. Method. Discipline. The Teach-In. Testify - Not Theorize. Forward Together Moral Movement! 'We' Is the Most Important Word in the Social Justice Vocabulary. The [...]
A Press Conference was held to announce a Citywide Education Coalition Calls For Chicago Public Schools Boycott. The Journey For Justice Alliance asked all parents to keep their children safe. It was recommended that parents and their progeny stay off the track that is school closures. Stand [...]
Our children deserve better than being shuffled around from school to School. Don't subject your child to a failed education plan! What Can You Do? Never forget...
On January 29th 2013, the Department of Education, Civil Rights Division held a Hearing on School Closures, Turnarounds, Phase-Outs and Co-Locations. The Journey for Justice Alliance worked diligently for near a year to bring this momentous occasion about. Days prior to the actual Hearing, those associated with [...]