Sir Ken Robinson speaks during the Dalai Lama Center’s Educating the Heart Series. He discusses the importance of an education that educates not just the mind, but also the heart.

“In any list of what it means to be human, empathy, intuition, imagination and compassion would surely be at or near the top. Yet, many systems of education pay little or no attention to cultivating these vital qualities. Instead, they promote a narrow view of academic ability and impersonal principles of standardization and conformity. We pay a high price for the exile of feeling in education. Emotional, social intelligence and inner well-being, as well as academic excellence, should be carefully cultivated. For the future, it’s vital to rethink the dynamic relationships between heart and mind within human consciousness and their essential place in the education of all our students.”

Sir Ken Robinson, PhD is an internationally recognized leader in the development of creativity, innovation and human resources in education and in business. He is also one of the world’s leading speakers on these topics, with a profound impact on audiences everywhere.

For twelve years, Sir Ken Robinson was Professor of Education at the University of Warwick in the UK and is now professor emeritus.

About The Dalai Lama Center Educating the Heart

In June 2012, the Dalai Lama Center launched a bold new vision: A vibrant culture of peace and dialogue where caring communities nurture compassionate, thriving, socially-responsible children who rise to the challenges and opportunities of the 21st Century.

To achieve this vision the Dalai Lama Center is focusing on programs that EDUCATE, CONVENE, ADVISE and apply RESEARCH. The DLC is working with leaders in education, science, government, business and philanthropy who understand the value of advancing heart-mind well-being.

By using local, regional, national and international connections, the Dalai Lama Center is helping to share evidence-based practice and encourage collaboration. In short, it’s a strategy of supporting, encouraging and leading a rising tide of awareness and action toward educating the hearts of children.