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is insight ignited!

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The flame is fuel.

Light it!

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see the world...

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Imagine once again.

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and see anew.

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Then...Create. Recreate.

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and oh yes

ignite greater creativity.

Inquiry. Creative Thought

Ah, to Create. Creative Thought takes us down roads not yet traveled. To be truly imaginative we must consider practicalities. Never lose sight of the veracity; these are a springboard. With feet planted firmly in the familiar, we are able to leap to greater heights. There are no bounds but those we place on ourselves. Creative thought requires patience. We must move slowly through the process. If we sprint, we are likely to stumble and fall.

An Artist knows that to truly abstract he or she must first understand the basics. That takes time. There will be trials and tribulations…also infinite triumphs! However, once critical knowledge is acquired, we build. So, let us begin. Please explore our portfolio of Inquiry; Creative Thought.

  • Reflect on productions that were.
  • Consider those you think powerful and those you find less than effective.
  • Remember, each offers lessons.
  • Your own exploration is an opportunity to discover.
  • Dive in deeply. Deftness will come.
  • Production is not a talent. It is practiced profundity.