Project Description


Edu4 Educators 4 children, 4 the public, 4 social justice, 4 the future”—is a network of diverse individuals who come together to create and recreate public spaces where they resist and provide an alternative vision for the current “education reforms” that embrace corporate ideologies and advance privatization while undermining public education. Launched in February, 2012, Edu4 has expanded quickly within the U.S. and beyond, and now consists of over 500 educators, including scholars, teachers, school administrators, parents, students, and other concerned citizens from 15 countries.

Background Edu4 is an initiative jointly inspired by the Occupy Movement, Econ4, and Maxine Greene’s philosophy of social imagination. As Maxine argues, social imagination is a cyclical process of social dialogue, experiment, and reflection with the purpose of intervening with the given reality as if it could be otherwise. In a large sense, Edu4 is an exercise of social imagination and began as an effort to extend the conversation Maxine began.