Books; Reviews, Tours, and Excerpts
EmpathyEducates hopes to expand horizons and minds. We think that the books referenced on these pages will broaden our perspectives, better our practices, and heighten awareness. We invite you to peruse the reviews, dive deeply into the excepts, meet Authors on tour, and share your views.
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“Stop Fearing Our Children”: Why Juvenile Incarceration Needs to Go
"Children, it turns out, will never thrive in storage," Nell Bernstein writes in the recently released Burning Down the House: The End of Juvenile Prison. It's a statement that shouldn't seem radical. [...]

Abolishing the Broken US Juvenile Justice System
By the time I was 7 years old I knew drugs were bad. I didn’t need a parent to sit me down on their knee and tell me this because Saturday morning cartoons were [...]

Black Hands in the Biscuits Not in the Classrooms
The 2007 Critics’ Choice Award winning book, Black Hands in the Biscuits Not in the Classrooms by Dr. Sherick A. Hughes, portrays one southern community’s experience of desegregation through keen observations, rare archival documents [...]

John Lewis’ Moving Graphic Novel Brings the Civil Rights Struggle to a New Generation
In the tradition of “Maus” and “Persepolis,” “March” tells the story of young African Americans who, like its author, rose up from the Jim Crow South to assert their human rights. By Valerie Schloredt | Originally [...]

How Conservatives Hijacked “Colorblindness” and Set Civil Rights Back Decades
Why do so many whites respond to the dog whistle refrain that they, and not minorities, are today’s most likely victims of racial discrimination? Colorblindness helps to legitimate the substance of dog whistle complaints [...]

How the Genteel Rhetoric of “States’ Rights” Grew the “White Man’s Party”
Few names conjure the recalcitrant South, fighting integration with fire-breathing fury, like that of George Wallace. The central image of this “redneck poltergeist,” as one biographer referred to him, is of Wallace during his [...]
March: Book One – A Review
John Lewis; March: Book One – The Book Reviewed Reviewed By Robert Kirby | Originally Published at The Comics Journal October 23, 2013 March: Book One is the memoir of Congressman John Lewis [...]

Media Coverage, Interviews, Collaboration; Diane Levin
Media Coverage, Interviews, Collaboration October ABC Action News. Parents in Action: Teacher/Parent Communications. Angela Ardolino. October 3, 2013. September Yahoo Shine. Beth Greenfield. Walmart Naughty Leopard Halloween [...]