

An Exciting Democracy Movement Arises in Chicago

By Jim Hightower | Originally Published at AlterNet. February 19, 2015 |Photographic Credit; Chicago Buildings Skyscrapers Sunset (Generic Image) "Reclaim Chicago" has a bold progressive plan to reclaim the Windy City from the one percent. Chicago! City of broad shoulders. Plutocratic hog butcher. Toolmaker for progressive [...]

An Exciting Democracy Movement Arises in Chicago2016-11-29T17:37:21-05:00

The ‘Student Success Act’ Isn’t About Student Success: Charter Schools

The “Student Success Act” is a sham. I detail why in Part 1 of a series of posts analyzing the impacts and implications of the bill. By Benjamin J. Rosenblatt | Originally Published at Medium. February 18, 2015 | Photographic Credit; The Gummere Library. William Penn [...]

The ‘Student Success Act’ Isn’t About Student Success: Charter Schools2016-11-29T17:37:21-05:00

Why It Isn’t “Just Hair” Hair for So Many Black Women

By Sierra Boone | Originally Published at ForHarriet. February 18, 2015 | Photograph; Tiana Parker For as long as I can remember, I’ve been getting braids and twists and everything in between done to my hair. In my toddler years my head was a home for those [...]

Why It Isn’t “Just Hair” Hair for So Many Black Women2016-11-29T17:37:21-05:00

Jesus “Chuy” Garcia Is Confident He’ll Force Rahm into a Runoff

A Chicago election ballot can seem like a store receipt. You look at it and think 'haven't all the decision been made.' What do I do with all this information? Nothing will change. Sure, I will check the pages. But does it make a difference? Enthusiasm fades. [...]

Jesus “Chuy” Garcia Is Confident He’ll Force Rahm into a Runoff2016-11-29T17:37:21-05:00

Addressing the School to Prison Pipeline: Why Education Is the Liberation of Black Youth

By Jonathan Stith | Originally Published at Huffington Post Black Voices. February 11, 2015 12:44 PM EST | Photographic Credit; Getty Images There is a war going on outside -- that no Black youth is safe from. Most recently, we've seen this war played out through the [...]

Addressing the School to Prison Pipeline: Why Education Is the Liberation of Black Youth2016-11-29T17:37:21-05:00

Is This The End of Education Austerity?

For years, states have cut education spending and put policies in place that left our schools and students "failing." Recently, contentious reelection races often included criticism of budget cuts and reduced education spending. It would seem that some Conservative Republican Governors have begun to get the message; [...]

Is This The End of Education Austerity?2016-11-29T17:37:21-05:00

Change of Heart: Wisconsin Voucher Pioneer Grew Disillusioned with ‘School Choice’

By Simon Brown | Originally Published at Americans United in Wall of Separation. February 3, 2015 | Photograph; Representative Annette Polly Williams, “Mother of Parental School Choice” grew disillusioned with voucher program. In 1949, five domestic house cats were introduced to tiny Marion Island, which is off [...]

Change of Heart: Wisconsin Voucher Pioneer Grew Disillusioned with ‘School Choice’2016-11-29T17:37:21-05:00
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