Introductory Video; Please Join This March, Bryan and Karen

To Save Our Communities and Neighborhood Schools

To March for a day is not enough to Save Our Schools! Chicago parents march on. Children too fill the streets. Our babies know their schools and education is threatened, as is their future! Teachers also stand in support of Our Children, Our Communities, and Our Neighborhood Schools! We say, Save Our Schools, Our Children, Our Communities.

Today, tired from yesterdays walk, we March On! Sick and tired? We are sick and tired of being treated as though we are sick and not worth the time or energy needed to provide an equal and equitable education for all. We are the people! We are the power! We are parents, pupils, professionals; we are what makes this country great. We are Our Children, Our Communities, and Our Neighborhood Schools. We March On. Please Join Us!

Karen Lewis on Day Two; Teachers Join the Marchers

Save Woods Schools, Karen Lewis, Chicago Teachers Union President Speaks

Karen Lewis, Day Two of March

Karen Lewis