Ask yourself; do things go better with Koch? Ah, as one of those in the know, you cannot be fooled. Even in a blind taste test you would know the difference between Coke, as in Coca-Cola, and Koch as in the billionaire brothers who want to end public education. You likely understand that the super-rich brothers have power and influence. Separately and together the two donate big bucks to candidates and campaigns they support. While that alone might seem innocent, after all, to some extent we all do that, the reason for serious concern is what we do not do. Few of us would have the dollars let alone the inclination to put out persuasive mailers, costing a $100 a pop. The vast majority of us could not bear the expense; nor do we hold dear the belief that “Public Schools and the Decline of Christianity in America” are linked. But the Koch brothers do and they want every one of us to know it. More importantly the duo want us to believe this is true.

Thus, David and Charles Koch have the means and the mindset to sell this message. In many ways Koch Industries has been in our homes for decades. Each day the pair look to further their reach. Buying a family of newspapers, the men say we need to be sure that “our voice is being heard.” To further establish a connection to the masses, the brothers court members of Congress, or is it the Representatives who court them.

[Paul Ryan, Eric Cantor headline the Koch Summit.] No matter. The Koch’s and their message are everywhere!

The Koch’s substantially subsidize fundamentalist organizations, They produce feature length films, publish books, and distribute DVDs, all to affirm as a Wake County mailer did, things go better with Koch!

We all know that. After all, Koch.products can be found in your cabinets, on your table, in the bathroom, and who knows where. Angel Soft tissue, Brawny paper towels, Dixie cups and such, Mardi Gras, Quilted Northern, Sparkle, Vanity Fair, and Georgia-Pacific producers…the list is long. It is longer still when you consider the vast quantity of wood products, textiles and plastic products. Have I mentioned chemicals, coal, and oil? Then there are the pipelines, fertilizers, cattle, and services. The profits from equipment use also help to end public education in America or more accurately stated in alignment with the Libertarian agenda, ‘Get government out of our lives.’ ‘Don’t let the Feds force us to bus our children to those people’s schools.’ And oh yes, let a Koch brothers, Americans For Prosperity, School Board slate be elected in your area.

You too can be empowered as Wake County, North Carolina, parents were, or thought they would be if you just believe. The company that supplies you with the best of creature comforts has your child in mind.

You understand. Moms, Dads, don’t you want the best for your child? Surely, you do not want “forced busing.” “Neighborhood schools” are good as long as these serve your needs to be separate from those sorts of people. “School Choice,” now that is a message that resonates! “Strengthening Americas Schools” according to the Koch Brother’s Americans For Prosperity, is an Act; it is the same old song and dance. Try something innovative “right” thinking Koch’s say.

We see it. We hear it. Do we buy it? Well…In the case of Wake County School Board elections, words were used to sell a product, privatization. The public purchased the ‘goods.” Intellectually, we all may know commercials can be impressive and make a lasting impression, we as consumers, remain gullible. We are willing to believe or suspend disbelief. We tell ourselves that if the product does not live up to expectations we will give it up. Yet, often we keep on buying what we bought.

What moves from the shelves into our hands has a hold on us. It comes into our homes into our hearts. If you purchased mayonnaise in your youth, did you later become a Miracle Whip lover? Likely not. If you took the Pepsi challenge and enjoyed the alternative brown-bubbly immensely, did you then switch. Probably not. We are loyal to the products we purchase and the philosophies we adopt. No forced busing! No public education. Parent empowerment. School Choice. Elections can become selections if the message is “just right” and sold well

While times have changed, values passed down from generation to generation may not have. The appeal of Jim Crow and George Wallace, is tried and true. The old, well-crafted, and re-packaged can seem brand spanking new. Indeed, these separatist messages move masses and win School Board elections. As you, the informed voter knows full well, people are swayed. So, what is a person to do?

Protest? Sure. Speak out? Absolutely! Organize. Strategize. Mobilize. Wake County parents did. But what about that damn diet Koch and the delight you take from taking a swish?

Perhaps, it as the adage states; it is a lifestyle change. Oh, I know. You may have opted for Zero-Koch. After all, it has less calories and far less culpability. The dilemma is how do we get away from what surrounds us? Consider the products we use that contain Koch. How can you be sure that what you consume is safe and will not affect your children, their schools and the broader community? Check the ingredients, but be aware that at times, labels are deceiving. Look at us. We call ourselves advocates for public education and then indulge.

Nowhere in this country are you safe. Even in Europe you cannot escape the veracity that most believe things go better with Koch.

What might we do once we come to terms with the reality that some of our “choices” are not under our control? Let us do all we can, including call David Koch and tell him to stop funding school resegregation, privatization, and religion-as-state policy. Call now. His number is 212-319-1100.

© copyright 2013 Betsy L. Angert. BeThink

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