Day One May 18th 2013

By Bob George. Save Our Schools National Director| May 18, 2013

What would you say if you were told that your children must go to a school that for 8 years has been on academic probation?

Dominique Grant’s child along with 250 other parents and grandparents are being told that they must send their babies to just such a school. Who has the right to tell a parent where to send their child to school? In our city the powers that be reside in the Chicago Public Schools. Officials within CPS sent out the orders, marching orders, and so, we March! Mothers and fathers whose children attend Jesse Owens Elementary School took to the streets on May 18th, we March in protest. The parents know that their community-based school

[Owens] currently meets the utilization standards of CPS at 71% and still it will be closed.

The children will be sent to Samuel Gompers School. Gompers has been on academic probation 8 of the past 8 years. It is currently at 55% utilization and has no air conditioning. Jesse Owens School, the children’s neighborhood school has been on academic probation once in the last 8 years. Dominique Grant speaks highly of the excellent experienced teachers at Owens. She praises and appreciates the staff that is intimately involved in the community. “These teachers know our children. Many have been teaching here since I attended and graduated with honors. My education at Owens allowed me to attend the selective enrollment Mt Greenwood School recognized as one of the Best Schools in the State by Chicago Magazine in 2011.”

Dominique Grant wants her children to have at least what she had, certainly not less. Doesn’t ever parent? The best teachers…

Owens teachers have an average tenure of 10 plus years. They are intimately involved with the parents; “they know our children and our neighborhood. ” This is a sustainable school culture. “Our babies cared for, fed, loved and cared for by the professional teaching staff at Owens.”

I ask why must we close what works?

Dominique along with hundreds of others rallied at Owens school this morning and together with students, parents, grand parents, teachers, cafeteria workers and community members, marched seven [7] plus miles today.

“We march for our children’s Human Right to a quality education,” said Latricia Johnson, grandparent to Malik Johnson an Owens 3rd grade student. Malik and his grand mom marched for Human dignity and his right to a sustainable neighborhood school. The route took us to West Pullman school where scores of students chanted “Hands off Our Schools” and “Save Our Schools.”

Crystal Cook one of the mothers spoke of the character of West Pullman a national historic site. Her four children Damonte, Crystal, Karla and Kayla will not be leaving Pullman willingly to go to the CPS designated receiving school. Pullman works for her children and makes a positive difference in their lives. Her youngest, Kayla, led the marchers in chants and shared poems about school. Crystal said Kayla and her three siblings belongs here were it is a safe and warm environment. We have teachers who know the children and are part of the wrap around services our students need to thrive

Throughout the day the stories repeated themselves. “Our Schools work for our community, for our children!!!! Invest in them. Help us make them better. ”

Our children are not collateral damage in the master plan to gentrify Chicago. Their lives our worth every bit as much as every other Childs in this city. Why close our community schools in the black and brown communities while the white schools are totally left alone?

Our children’s education is their human and civil right. Invest in their education by reinvesting in our community, our schools our children

Save Our Schools!!!!
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