Have I spent too much time worrying about the boys killing each other to pray for the ones who do it with their own hands? Is that not black on black violence? Is that not a mother who has to bury her boy? Is it [...]
alternate names for black boys
Danez Smith2016-11-29T17:39:28-05:001. smoke above the burning bush 2. archnemesis of summer night 3. first son of soil 4. coal awaiting spark & wind 5. guilty until proven dead 6. oil heavy starlight 7. monster until proven ghost 8. gone 9. phoenix who forgets to un-ash 10. [...]

Let Our Young Be Awesome! Presidential Portraits by Chaz Rorick
empathy2016-11-29T17:39:31-05:00Tis true and yet, more often than not it is forgotten; art is a science. Science is an art. The study of history is where we start. All the great masters looked to the past and found the future. If only we, or the powers that be, [...]

Moving Photos Show the Not-So-Subtle Effect of Racial Micro-Aggression
empathy2016-11-29T17:39:32-05:00For her recent Tumblr photo series, Fordham University student and photographer Kiyun took photos of her friends, each holding a poster that describes an instance of racial micro-aggression personally encountered. The results are powerful. Racial micro-aggressions, as defined by Columbia University professor Derald Wing Sue, [...]

Sandra Khalifa; “My 2 Minutes #OurMarch #WeReady #WeComing”
empathy2016-11-29T17:39:37-05:00#OurMarch Sandra Khalifa Defends the Dream; in a reflection, a recitation meant to awaken a sleeping nation. Her prose are powerful, profound; they are the poetry of pain felt and released. In "My 2 Minutes #OurMarch #WeReady #WeComing" we hear the words of a Dream Defender who [...]
Inquiry. Creative Thought
empathy2013-08-13T22:28:07-04:00Ah, to Create. Creative Thought takes us down roads not yet traveled. To be truly creative we must consider practicalities, but never lose sight of the veracity that these are but a springboard. With feet planted firmly in the familiar, we are able to leap great heights. [...]