Humanæ; A Work In Progress Exhibition Humanæ is a “work in progress” by the Brazilian Angélica Dass, who intends to deploy a chromatic range of the different human skin colors. Those who pose are volunteers who have known the project and decide to participate. There is [...]
Humanæ; A Work In Progress
Angelica Dass2016-11-29T17:39:32-05:00Click to Enlarge. See Story Below. Humanæ; About A Work In Progress Humanæ is a chromatic inventory, a project that reflects on the colors beyond the borders of our codes by referencing the PANTONE® color scheme. (PANTONE® Guides are one of the main classification systems [...]

Civil Rights Icon, John Lewis Makes a Comic of His Own
empathy2016-11-29T17:39:37-05:00Click to Enlarge. March: Book One Pages. See Story Below. Inspired by a Landmark MLK Comic Book, Civil Rights Icon Makes a Comic of His Own By Aaron Colter| Published at Underwire | Wired. August 28, 2013 Today marks the 50th anniversary of the March on [...]

Stride Toward Freedom: The Montgomery Story (1958)
empathy2016-11-29T17:39:37-05:00Fifty years later, we are still inspired by the work and words of Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King Junior. However, as frequently occurs, in time, a mirage remains, the actual memory is morphed. The struggle continues, but sadly lessons are lost. So, as begin to stride for [...]
The Schools of 2020
Jen Sorensen2016-11-29T17:39:44-05:00There was a brief moment last week, I think, when people were talking about public schools and the Wisconsin recalls. But that’s all kind of a hazy memory now. The news about bin Laden broke as I was past the point of no return, deadline-wise. [...]

Art Relief; When Performances Imitate Life
empathy2016-11-29T17:39:44-05:00Schools were originally intended to build the innate desire to dream. The aim has not died, but adult realities set in. Rules and regulations that restrain youthful minds are imposed. Even when students are given the opportunity to express themselves much is prescribed. Few children [...]