

Installment 2: “I Don’t Think That’s My Daddy:”


Unlearning Another Lie that Jim Crow Taught By Dr. Sherick Hughes | Originally Published at History and Family Blog Saturday, June 1, 2013 | Special thanks to the Author Dr. Sherick Hughes, and the creator of History and Family Blog, Christine E. Sleeter, PhD. Preparing to [...]

Troubling Jim Crow: Installment #1


On this the fifth anniversary of President John F. Kennedy's Address on Civil Rights empathyeducates would like to introduce the first of four installments written by Sherick Hughes, Ph.D. on the subject of "Troubling Jim Crow." Today, let us all remember the words utter two score [...]

To All the Little Black Girls With Big Names (Dedicated to Quvenzhane’ Wallis)


Sha'Condria "iCon" Sibley understands all too well that each of us is given a name at birth. Some of us ask and some never do, but we wonder. "Why?" "Why was this name chosen?" We ask our parents. Did you anticipate that my life would be [...]

A Letter to Mis(s)-Education*


By Darnell L. Moore | Originally Published The Feminist Wire. September 12, 2012 “Darnell, you can’t write.” I was an eighth-grade student at Morgan Village Middle School in Camden, New Jersey, when you, my Language Arts instructor, reprimanded me in front of my classmates and uttered [...]

How to Slowly Kill Yourself and Others in America: A Remembrance


Gawker published the essay, "How to Slowly Kill Yourself and Others in America" last year, three weeks after George Zimmerman told Sean Hannity that the shooting of Trayvon Martin "was all God's plan." As the jury deliberates in the State vs. George Zimmerman case, we [...]

The Holiday; It was the Best of Times and the Worst


The holiday season is the best of times and the worst of times. It always was. There is beauty of tradition. City lights gleam. Faces beam and homes are decorated in recognition. Each year and every year there is a celebration. Everywhere you turn people [...]

Author Renée Watson – ‘If You’re Bored, Read A Book’


Author Renée Watson reveals a bit of personal story. She speaks of the importance of reading and how reading at a young age—on her own and with my mother—shaped her relationship with books. “Mom, I’m bored!” I whined. This was something that often came out [...]

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