

National Summit on Urban Education


Rainbow PUSH Communications Department — Media ReleaseTuesday, October 28, 2014 Media Contact: Michael L. Peery 312-217-2260 According to the historic Brown vs. Board of Education decision by Chief Justice Earl Warren:" education is perhaps the most important function of state and local [...]

Spirit Guides – A Teacher Awakens; A Teacher Inspires


If you want a good education, you need to have good teachers. It seems ridiculous to have to say as much, but such is the state that matters have reached, both in academia and in the public conversation that surrounds it, that apparently we do. [...]

An Open Letter From Ferguson Protestors and Allies


The unlawful slaughter of black bodies by the hands of power has continued day after day, year after year, century after century, life by precious life, since before the first chain was slipped around black wrists. Black youth, brimming with untapped potential, but [...]

Indictment Watch; Action Beyond Today


It's down to a matter of days before local leaders announce whether Darren Wilson will be indicted for the murder of teenager, Michael Brown, or not. No matter the decision, BeyondToday will help update you on actions that serve to [...]

Because They Could: The Fight to Save Oakman School


Across the country massive school closings and cutbacks have become a tradition. In 2006, the Detroit Public School (DPS) system first began shutter facilities, our children's learning centers. The details are many. Budgets. Billings. And oh, those large buildings. By [...]

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