

“I’m Now As Poor as I was Before” — Prison-Created Poverty


No one likes to talk about the fact that “doing time” leaves the majority of returning citizens worse off than before they were incarcerated. Prior to my imprisonment, I had a very successful consulting business and I lived a solidly middle-class life. I worked hard, I [...]

I Looked at a Rapist In The Mirror and Saw Him Smiling Back


*This piece has been published with permission of the referenced ex-partner. Other relationships may have been slightly altered to protect specific identities.* The first time I was sexually assaulted I must have been 9 or 10 years old. I was violated by two family [...]

On Bill Cosby, Victim Blaming, and What it Means to be a Rape Survivor


Fourteen years ago, I was raped. It was late fall 2001. I was in the first semester of my 9th grade year in high school. I was14 years old. My parents had just gotten divorced, and I’d recently transferred to a new school district for a [...]

Bryan Stevenson on Charleston and Our Real Problem with Race


Bryan Stevenson has spent most of his career challenging bias against minorities and the poor in the criminal justice system. He is the founder and executive director of the Equal Justice Initiative, based in Montgomery, Ala., an advocacy group that opposes mass incarceration and racial injustice. [...]

Deadly American Extremism: More White Than Muslim— The Numbers


Everyday, somewhere in America people wait in long lines only to be patted down, or body scanned. We open our suitcases, empty our pockets, and place our computers, belts, and purses on a conveyor band. Instinctively American citizens and visitors respond on demand. We travel [...]

What Happens to a Society When It Turns Against Many of Its Children and Imprisons Them?


Darren was kneeling, but he was not praying. Baptized Catholic and brought up in the church, Darren had turned to his faith to get him through the early years of a decade-long confinement, including months spent on isolation units. Now he [...]

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