Project Description
#handsup Don’t Shoot from Dream Defenders on Vimeo.
The Time is Now
Police officers are sworn to serve and protect us--
but they are literally killing our people in our communities.
We must take action.
~ J. Cole
We are asking young people around the country to go to the U.S. Attorney’s office near them and issue local demands to address police violence and grievances with local law enforcement and to apply pressure around the national demands.
On August 9, 2014, another young, unarmed black teen was murdered in America at the hands of police in the small suburb of Ferguson, near St. Louis. Michael “Mike Mike” Brown, 18, died after being shot at least six times by police officer, Darren Wilson. Since, the community of Ferguson has risen up to demand answers. Their protests have been met with brutal military force, as media outlets have continued to report that people are rioting. Let’s be clear, the people in Ferguson are not rioting, they are rebelling.
We know the issue of police brutality and harassment to be a national issue.
In solidarity with Ferguson, last Thursday, August 14, 2014 we had an action at the Department of Justice Federal Building in Downtown Miami to demand theUS Attorney of the Southern District of Florida open federal investigations into the murder of a local Miami teen by police. Instead of answers, 8 people were arrested.
Are you ready to change this country? Watch our video, see our national demands and share with the people in your network.