Project Description


Public schools are the heart of every community, a place where the next generation of doctors, engineers, writers and artists learn and grow. They are where parents, teachers and community members come together to support their children and invest in their futures.

When schools struggle, it is often because they lack the resources to meet the needs of their students. Yet rather than invest in these schools, policymakers have increasingly turned to mass closures as a solution, leaving primarily students of color and students from low-income families without the educational opportunities they deserve. There are better ways to support our schools and our children.

You can’t improve a school by closing it. Here is what you can do instead:
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Want to take action? Here’s what to do:

View and share our full series of infographics on this issue: “The Color of School Closures,” “Debunking the Myths of School Closures” and “The Cycle of School Closures.”

Read up on the alternatives. Check out the Coalition for Community Schools.

Find out if there’s a local organizing group in your community fighting school closures. Contact the Journey for Justice coalition and Alliance for Educational Justice