Books; Reviews, Tours, and Excerpts
EmpathyEducates hopes to expand horizons and minds. We think that the books referenced on these pages will broaden our perspectives, better our practices, and heighten awareness. We invite you to peruse the reviews, dive deeply into the excepts, meet Authors on tour, and share your views.
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How Could Such a Rich Country as Ours Produce So Many Poor People?
The following is an excerpt Runaway Inequality: An Activist's Guide to Economic Justice, by Les Leopold (Chelsea Green, 2015). The United States is among the richest countries in all of [...]

Police Are Granted Abusive Powers By a System That Condones Their Actions
The following is a Truthout interview with Kristian Williams, Author of Our Enemies in Blue: Police and Power in America. MARK KARLIN:Your book, Enemies in Blue: Police and Power in [...]

What Happens to a Society When It Turns Against Many of Its Children and Imprisons Them?
Darren was kneeling, but he was not praying. Baptized Catholic and brought up in the church, Darren had turned to his faith to get him through the early years of [...]

Why The Kids of Helicopter Parents are Sputtering Out In College
Academically overbearing parents are doing great harm. So says Bill Deresiewicz in his groundbreaking 2014 manifesto Excellent Sheep: The Miseducation of the American Elite and the Way to a Meaningful Life. “[For students] haunted [...]

Lani Guinier on our Ivy League Meritocracy Lie
If you were a fan of the HBO series “The Wire,” you likely remember the scene in the fourth season focused on Baltimore public schools where the term “juking the stats” defined how [...]
Girls In Justice
I was sitting in a sweltering California courtroom, serving as an expert witness on an adult case, when out of the corner of my eye I saw a tiny girl, [...]

Spirit Guides – A Teacher Awakens; A Teacher Inspires
If you want a good education, you need to have good teachers. It seems ridiculous to have to say as much, but such is the state that matters have reached, both in academia and [...]
Fixing Public Education
Fixing Public Education Published by Pepper Tree Fixing Public Education After three years of research and writing ten educators derive the ideal public (or private or charter) school curriculum. What does “Ideal” [...]