

Yes, Black America Fears the Police. Here’s Why

Last July 4, my family and I went to Long Island to celebrate the holiday with a friend and her family. After eating some barbecue, a group of us decided to take a walk along the ocean. The mood on the beach that day was [...]

Yes, Black America Fears the Police. Here’s Why2016-11-29T17:37:20-05:00

“Acting White”: The Most Insidious Myth About Black Kids and Achievement

By Jenée Desmond-Harris | Originally Published at Vox. March 4, 2015, 8:40 a.m. ET You've probably heard it before: too many black students don't do well in school because they think being smart means "acting white." It's a popular thing to say, but it's not true. At [...]

“Acting White”: The Most Insidious Myth About Black Kids and Achievement2016-11-29T17:37:20-05:00

One Term Rahm: Talking Back to the Times about Chicago School Closings

Today’s New York Times tries its hand at explaining why on earth something as silly as neighborhood public schools could bedevil Rahm Emanuel right out of his incumbent throne as Mayor of Chicago. My home is on Chicago’s South Side, on a street full of cops [...]

One Term Rahm: Talking Back to the Times about Chicago School Closings2016-11-29T17:37:20-05:00

Hey, Smug White People: You (Yes, You) Are a Racist, Too

Don't imagine that being a racist is something that only happens to other people. By Kali Holloway | Originally Published at AlterNet. March 2, 2015 } Photographic Credit; Integration Crisis; Black and white children at a party to introduce mixed schools during the civil rights movement, Virginia, [...]

Hey, Smug White People: You (Yes, You) Are a Racist, Too2016-11-29T17:37:20-05:00

Kids must learn Black History Movements and Heroes

By Courtney Robinson and Jennifer Keys Adair | Originally Published at Chicago Reporter. February 27, 2015 | Photographic Credit; Courtesy of The Library of Congress Childhood lessons about black history often overlook important but less well-known figures including (from left) Bayard Rustin, Andrew Young, (second from right) [...]

Kids must learn Black History Movements and Heroes2016-11-29T17:37:20-05:00

We’re Young, Passionate, and Bent on Justice: Why #BlackLivesMatter Is Irresistible

By Adrienne Maree Brown | Originally Published at Yes! Magazine. February 24, 2015 | Photographic credit; Millions March NYC, December 2014. By B.C. Lorio. The people dying are moms and dads, kids and teenagers, nerdy, quiet boys and girls. This movement is showing what wholeness looks like [...]

We’re Young, Passionate, and Bent on Justice: Why #BlackLivesMatter Is Irresistible2016-11-29T17:37:20-05:00

When Whites Get a Free Pass

NEW HAVEN — THE recent reunion show for the 40th anniversary of “Saturday Night Live” re-aired a portion of Eddie Murphy’s 1984 classic “White Like Me” skit, in which he disguised himself to appear Caucasian and quickly learned that “when white people are alone, they [...]

When Whites Get a Free Pass2016-11-29T17:37:20-05:00

Here’s Why Closing The Gender Wage Gap Is A White Feminist Issue

By Tiffanie Drayton | Originally Published at The Frisky. February 24, 2015 Patricia Arquette’s Oscar acceptance speech imploring for wage equality was met with applause by her peers, including Meryl Streep. However, as The Frisky told you yesterday, her backstage interview — which was reasonably referred to [...]

Here’s Why Closing The Gender Wage Gap Is A White Feminist Issue2016-11-29T17:37:21-05:00

Celebrating Ten Years of Post-Katrina, New Orleans Charters– And You Are Not Invited

By Mercedes Schneider | Originally Published at Deutsch29. December 28, 2014 In modern America, when it comes to selling a product, the question of whether the product actually works as promised becomes irrelevant. The narrow concern for the profit-driven ends with effectively marketing the product. Sales [...]

Celebrating Ten Years of Post-Katrina, New Orleans Charters– And You Are Not Invited2016-11-29T17:37:21-05:00
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