
Home/Issues of Import/Assessment/Curriculum

Spirit Guides – A Teacher Awakens; A Teacher Inspires


If you want a good education, you need to have good teachers. It seems ridiculous to have to say as much, but such is the state that matters have reached, both in academia and in the public conversation that surrounds it, that apparently we do. [...]

Customize Learning: Engage Students, Textbooks Not Required


> This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. The educational reforms of the last 100 years are predicated on information scarcity. Today, not unlike the early 1900s, Children go to schools where [...]

4pm Press Conference: Saucedo Academy Teachers to Boycott ISAT


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – February 25, 2014 CORE Teachers CONTACT: Sarah Chambers, Special Education Teacher at Saucedo (Ms. Chambers will be teaching throughout the day and will need to respond to voicemail messages during breaks.) 630.618.9009 TEACHERS REFUSE TO ADMINISTER ISAT AT SAUCEDO SCHOLASTIC ACADEMY 4:00 PM [...]

Testing Resistance & Reform Spring (TRRS) – Action Network


Less Testing, More Learning – #ResistTheTest Our nation can do a much better job of evaluating our children, teachers and schools. High-quality assessments promote better teaching, learning and student engagement and help kids develop their abilities. Current one-size-fits-all tests are misused to produce narrow, misleading snapshots [...]

Infographic: Why Corporations Want Our Public Schools


By YES! Editors | Originally Published at YES! Magazine February 21, 2014 Where’s the big money in privatization? Take it from the teachers. This article is from Education Uprising, the Spring 2014 issue of YES! Magazine.

The Assessment Landscape – Chris Tienken


“Provide our children with rich diverse curriculum with multiple pathways to success that they need to become cognitively nimble and responsible citizens. …stop wasting time, money and children’s futures on trying to compare them to some mythical prototype in another country or trying to make every child [...]

“PISA Day”— An Ideological and Hyperventilated Exercise


By Martin Carnoy and Richard Rothstein | Originally Published at The Economic Policy Institute. December 1, 2013 at 12:39 pm Richard Rothstein Martin Carnoy National average scores of students on the 2012 Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) will be released Tuesday, and we [...]

Position Statement on Standards and Testing for Young Children


Working to support and nurture the rights and needs of young children. Download the White Paper Standards and Testing for Young Children. Position Statement What is the problem? Today, the majority of classrooms for preschool, kindergarten and primary age children are required to [...]

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