

When a Compromise Is Not a Compromise “The Hunger Strike Continues!” #WeAreDyett


Once again Chicago Public schools has demonstrated that they don’t respect community voice, they don’t respect the voice of black parents, young people and community residents. And do not have the highest expectations for our children. We don't only have "leaders" who betray the people [...]

A Candlelight Vigil in the #FightForDyett — Day 16 [Videos]


It has been a long and arduous journey, this Journey for Justice. It began in 1999. It is no wonder that the hunger strikers today are tired. Not only is there the physical strain of going without food, the emotional drain of [...]

Health Professionals Challenge Mayor Emanuel to End Hunger Strike #WeAreDyett


On August 17th Chicago parents embarked on a Journey For Justice, Education Justice. After more than fifteen years of struggle, the people felt determined to secure moral justness. Twelve parents from communities across Chicago launched a hunger strike in front of Dyett High School. Dyett [...]

Parents and Allies Launch a Hunger Strike #FightForDyett Videos


UPDATE: By Jitu Brown | Originally Published at Facebook. August 17, 2015 | ‪#‎fightfordyett‬ ‪#‎wearedyett‬ Good morning brothers and sisters. This is Day 3 of our HUNGER STRIKE for Dyett Global Leadership and Green Technology High School. We are united in purpose, for Black children in [...]

Twelve Parents Launch Hunger Strike


Twelve parents from Bronzeville and allies from communities across Chicago launch a hunger strike in front of Dyett High School to call out the injustice suffered at the hands of CPS and the appointed Board of Education and to demand the adoption of the Global [...]

#takeitallthewaydown Clyburn Op-Ed: The Confederate ‘Battle Flag’ Should Come Down from the Statehouse


The tragedy that occurred Wednesday night in Charleston, S.C., has engendered many personal emotions about race and reopened a conversation about a controversial and divisive symbol. Let us begin with several little-known but well-documented facts about that flag currently flying in front of the statehouse. It [...]

Aja Monet’s #SayHerName Poem Asks All to Remember


Piercing through the silence a strong and ardent voice emerges. The Poet, Aja Monet is heard to say, “Melissa Williams, Darnisha Harris, Michelle Cassell.” These are the names of many of the girls and women who were injured or killed by police. Sadly, too few have heard [...]

Baltimore Resident Visually Documents Amidst the Blaze and Pain Peace was Always Present


Baltimore Mourns Fighting for the Future ::::: #ripfreddiegray #blacklivesmatter #Baltimore ::: #DVNLLN A photo posted by KnownNobody ◼️◾️▪️ (@bydvnlln) on Apr 23, 2015 at 2:53pm PDT Would you lay down for the Cause :::: don't talk my head off I'm just just playing my [...]

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