#handsup Don't Shoot from Dream Defenders on Vimeo. "All we wanna do is break the chains off."~ J. Cole We are asking young people around the country to go to the U.S. Attorney’s office near them and issue local demands to address police [...]

50 Years After Freedom Summer – A New Generation Carries the Torch
empathy2016-11-29T17:39:25-05:00Dream Defenders Across Florida Launch Summer Voter Mobilization Project In Lead Up to 2014 Election.Dream Defenders commemorate the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Civil Rights Movement’s 1964 Freedom Summer with a Multi-county Voter Awareness and Education Campaign. Youth in nine major Florida [...]

#VisitFL – The Prison State. #GoodKidsMadCities
empathy2016-11-29T17:39:28-05:00#VisitFL, The Prison State. #GoodKidsMadCities pic.twitter.com/SeP5lY5HZN— The Dream Defenders (@Dreamdefenders) March 4, 2014 Tampa Tribune: Dream Defenders shake Capitol on opening day AP (FL): Amid protests, Florida legislators start session The Root: Dream Defenders Confront Florida Legislators Miami Herald: Gov. rick Scott gets personal and political [...]

2014 State of the Youth Address
empathy2016-11-29T17:39:31-05:00Here’s Phillip B. Agnew, executive director of the Dream Defenders, delivering the real State of the Union On January 28th, Phil Agnew of the Dream Defenders delivers the first ever State of the Youth Address, outlining the social justice priorities of millions of young voters. [...]

Stand Your Ground Equals Unsafe Communities
empathy2016-11-29T17:39:33-05:00Tell the Leaders of the House The Lowdown Originally Posted at Dream Defenders November 3 - Stand Your Ground Community Call >> rsvp: http://bit.ly/sygrsvp November 7 - Stand Your Ground Hearing >> 3pm, Webster hall, 212 knot, fl state capitol [...]

#OurMarch Observations
empathy2016-11-29T17:39:37-05:00Might we consider a world where we no longer bicker and banter, a place where together we build the beauty other generations imagined and yet, never authentically pursued. Could it be that they, as we, adopted the precepts of peace and love, but we chose not to [...]

Sandra Khalifa; “My 2 Minutes #OurMarch #WeReady #WeComing”
empathy2016-11-29T17:39:37-05:00#OurMarch Sandra Khalifa Defends the Dream; in a reflection, a recitation meant to awaken a sleeping nation. Her prose are powerful, profound; they are the poetry of pain felt and released. In "My 2 Minutes #OurMarch #WeReady #WeComing" we hear the words of a Dream Defender who [...]
Two Minutes [#OurMarch]
empathy2016-11-29T17:39:37-05:00Yesterday at the 50th anniversary of the March On Washington, the time of Phillip Agnew (Dream Defenders) and Sofia Campos (United We Dream), two leaders representing our generation at the march, were cut. BUT WE STILL HAVE MUCH TO SAY. Two Minutes - #OurMarch: By the time [...]