I am sick of writing this poem but bring the boy. his new name his same old body. ordinary, black dead thing. bring him & we will mourn until we forget what we are mourning & isn’t that what being black is about? not the [...]

Debate Intensifies Over Value-Added Research
empathy2016-11-29T17:39:25-05:00Contact: William J. Mathis, (802) 383-0058, wmathis@sover.net Moshe Adler, (917) 453-4921, ma820@columbia.edu URL for this press release:

Dear White America; Why It Is Always About Race
Danez Smith2016-11-29T17:39:25-05:00I’VE LEFT EARTH in search of darker planets, a solar system that revolves too near a black hole. I have left a patch of dirt in my place & many of you won’t know the difference; we are indeed the same color, one of us [...]
empathy2016-11-29T17:39:27-05:00Black.Man.Teach. Currently, black males represent less than 2% of our nation's teacher workforce. Our young brothers and sisters, our children, our schools, our communities, and our country need more black male teachers. To increase these numbers we must explore, examine, and confront all of [...]

j was young&happy (and everyone hated her for it)
empathy2016-11-29T17:39:27-05:00By Paul L. Thomas, Ed.D. | Originally Published at the everyday motion of artifacts. April 2, 2014 j was young&happy (and everyone hated her for it) Happiness hit her like a train on a track… Happiness hit her like a bullet in the back “Dog [...]

Memoir; Star Student Tried to Get Into College and Could Not
empathy2016-11-29T17:39:28-05:00This Teacher Made A Video About His Star Student Trying To Get Into College. She's Not Getting In. Clint Smith tells us that "Everything I write, even when it’s not directly about me, is informed by my students. "Memoir” wasn’t something I thought about until I [...]

Black Harvard Students Share Their Experiences
empathy2016-11-29T17:39:28-05:0063 Black Harvard Students Share Their Experiences In A Powerful Photo Project'I, Too, Am Harvard.' Campaign Alison Vingiano | Originally Published at BuzzFeed. March 3, 2014 1. Carol Powell / Via itooamharvard.tumblr.com A group of black students at Harvard are fed up with the institutional racism they [...]
I, Too, Am Harvard
empathy2016-11-29T17:39:28-05:00Promo video for I, Too, Am Harvard made by Ahsante Bean, Harvard College Class of 2015BuzzFeed Review Black Harvard Students Share Their Experiences MAR. 3 2014 MAR. 1 2014 MAR. 1 2014 MAR. 1 2014 MAR. 1 2014 MAR. 1 2014 MAR. 1 2014 [...]