Since opening up about my struggles, I have received more support and strength and prayers than I could have ever imagined, and I am incredibly thankful. I am blessed to have such a strong support system in my life. However, not everyone is as accepting [...]

Of Love and Blood: For People Who Like To Watch Child Abuse Porn on Social Media
Stacey Patton2016-11-29T17:39:06-05:00That’s the question a lot of folks have been asking about the latest viral video of a sweaty hulking father who punished his son for walking out of class by lacing up a pair of boxing gloves and repeatedly punching him in the chest and [...]

I’ll Be So Proud When My Daughter is President and Runs a Corrupt Oligarchy
Kiese Laymon2016-11-29T17:39:07-05:00I want my black American daughter to be president of the United States when she grows up – and to evade, at all costs, the question of whether a president of the United States of America can be morally just. I want her to wear [...]

The History of Public Education in New Orleans Still Matters
Al Kennedy2016-12-05T05:39:22-05:00Photographic Credit; Students at a New Orleans charter school in 2011. By Ted JacksonTimes Picayune. If we cannot see white supremacy in the past, how will we recognize it in 2016? One could reasonably conclude that, prior to 2005, public education in New Orleans [...]

Denial of The Right To An Education
Jonathan Stith2016-11-29T17:39:07-05:00Youth of African descent have been systemically denied an right to an education through the school-to-prison pipeline and their parents have been stripped of their right to self-determine the kind of education given to their children through privatization.1 The Federal government, under No Child Left [...]

The Grand Jury Process—The Judicial Explicitness of Implicit Bias
Betsy L. Angert2016-11-29T17:39:09-05:00Less than two seconds. Let that sink in. It took less than two seconds to make, What a Grand Jury rules is a legally reasonable decision. The patrol car was still rolling onto the scene. And yet, the Officer, Timothy Loehmann, pleads, He shouted four [...]
(Y)our N-Word
Robin Boylorn2016-11-29T17:39:09-05:00Nobody called me a nigga to my face But behind backs and closed doors I am sure I have been called every kind of n-word Especially when I excelled in systems designed for me to fail nigga Or called out bigotry and privilege in classrooms [...]

As a Minority Student at Mizzou, The Racial Tensions There Didn’t Surprise Me
Kouichi Shirayanagi2016-11-29T17:39:09-05:00This week’s events at the University of Missouri don’t surprise me one bit. As a graduate student in Mizzou’s journalism school with a Japanese and Jewish background, I know what it’s like to be a minority. There, I am regularly reminded that I am different. Without [...]

My University Studies Haven’t Saved Me From Homelessness and Hunger
Pablo Montes2016-11-29T17:39:09-05:00Food and housing insecurity do not disappear from people’s lives when they go to college. There is this damaging misconception that once you get to college – once you’re on an upwardly mobile, higher-education track – you magically have the same resources and opportunities as everyone [...]