

The Racial Achievement Gap, Segregated Schools, and Segregated Neighborhoods – A Constitutional Insult


Abstract Social and economic disadvantage – not only poverty, but a host of associated conditions – depresses student performance. Concentrating students with these disadvantages in racially and economically homogenous schools depresses it further. Schools that the most disadvantaged black children [...]

Over-Policed & Under-Served: How The Phrase “F*ck The Police” Was Born


“ You fucking stupid bitch,” a man screamed followed by the slam of a car door. Feet thumped and the passenger door swung open. The incoherent pleas of a woman could be heard. Then the loud sound of skin making contact with skin reverberated through [...]

Open Letter to White Poets from Danez Smith


WE MUST BE THE NEW GUARDS: OPEN LETTER TO WHITE POETS "But when a long train of abuses and usurpation, pursing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw [...]

Chicago Police Violence Against Black and Latino Youth Called Out by United Nations Committee Against Torture


CHICAGO NOVEMBER 31, 2014 — After holding their 53rd Session in Geneva, Switzerland earlier this month, during which the United States was under review, on Friday, November 28tth, the United Nations Committee Against Torture (UNCAT) issued a report titled The Concluding Observations. Leading up to [...]

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