"A Perfect Storm: The Takeover of New Orleans Public Schools" Part Three — Disenfranchised Communities A Perfect Storm: The Takeover of New Orleans Public Schools is a series of short videos, that reveals the real [...]

"A Perfect Storm: The Takeover of New Orleans Public Schools" Part Three — Disenfranchised Communities A Perfect Storm: The Takeover of New Orleans Public Schools is a series of short videos, that reveals the real [...]
Tomorrow, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel is facing reelection. Responsible for appointing both the CEO and school board, Emanuel exercises enormous control over the city’s public schools. Under his leadership, Chicago shut down forty-nine public schools in 2013. “The School Closure [...]
"A Perfect Storm: The Takeover of New Orleans Public Schools" Part Two — The Illusion of Choice A Perfect Storm: The Takeover of New Orleans Public Schools is a series of short videos, that reveals the real story [...]
Closed for Good — The Story Letty and Angel live with their four children in Humboldt Park. Their youngest son, Christopher, is “learning to be a regular kindergartener” and receives special education at Lafayette Elementary’s renowned program. Janiquia is in 4th grade, and [...]
Across the country massive school closings and cutbacks have become a tradition. In 2006, the Detroit Public School (DPS) system first began shutter facilities, our children's learning centers. The details are many. Budgets. Billings. And oh, those large buildings. By [...]
What's the View Like From Three Feet? Ever wondered what the world looks like from a preschooler's point of view? Great news! We've got a new (and totally adorable) short video about why preschool matters, [...]
Unlike most of their public school peers, Mission Hill teachers have control of their curriculum, and a say in most aspects of school life. At this Boston public school academics connect to experiences, empathy and exploration are valued, and children with diverse abilities [...]
GOOD MORNING MISSION HILL – The Freedom To Teach, The Freedom To Learn A reaction against the latest public school reforms is brewing, with parents all over the country opting out of the 2014 testing cycle. Many more are [...]
"The Perfect Storm: The Takeover of New Orleans Public Schools; Part One – 17 Days in November" The Perfect Storm: The Takeover of New Orleans Public Schools, is the first in series of short video’s, that reveals the [...]