Across the country massive school closings and cutbacks have become a tradition. In 2006, the Detroit Public School (DPS) system first began shutter facilities, our children's learning centers. The details are many. Budgets. Billings. And oh, those large buildings. By [...]

A Herstory of the #BlackLivesMatter Movement by Alicia Garza
Alicia Garza2016-11-29T17:39:21-05:00I created #BlackLivesMatter with Patrisse Cullors and Opal Tometi, two of my sisters, as a call to action for Black people after 17-year-old Trayvon Martin was post-humously placed on trial for his own murder and the killer, George Zimmerman, was not held accountable for the [...]

Let’s Talk About the Pressure to Be the “Right” Kind of Black Girl
empathy2016-11-29T17:39:21-05:00I spent a good portion of my life trying to be better than the best. I was always the first to jump at an extra assignment or task, to show everyone that I was capable. But for what? Why? It was late at [...]
Black Like Me
Renée Watson2016-11-29T17:39:21-05:00We had pride and there was a care we took with each other. Though there were normal middle school cliques and dramas, there was also a strength and loyalty among us. On that bus, we were family. I felt like I belonged. But when I [...]

Immigration Reform and Education: Demystifying Mythologies about Latina/o Students
empathy2017-07-04T17:25:24-04:00Abstract IN THIS PAPER, THE AUTHORS DECONSTRUCT COMMONLY HELD MYTHOLOGIES ABOUT IMMIGRATION to inform the critical discourse and support those educators who strive to be fair brokers of an inclusive educational system addressing the distinct needs of immigrant students. We (teacher educators and a community organizer) [...]

Brown v. Board at 60
empathy2016-11-29T17:39:27-05:00Why Have We Been So Disappointed? What Have We Learned? By Richard Rothstein | Originally Published at The Economic Policy Institute. [Download Report [pdf] May 17 is the 60th anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education, the U.S. Supreme Court’s 1954 decision that [...]

Segregation Now…Resegregation in the American South
empathy2016-11-29T17:39:27-05:00Segregation Now…Sixty years after Brown v. Board of Education, the schools in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, show how separate and unequal education is coming back. Though James Dent could watch Central High School’s homecoming parade from the porch of his faded-white bungalow, it had been [...]

A Grandmother’s Plea For Justice – Education is a Human
empathy2016-11-29T17:39:31-05:00Photograph; Irene Robinson (left) waits with granddaughter Akilra Roberts for the bus. Because the bus only runs at the beginning and end of the regular school day, Akilra has trouble getting home from after-school activities. (Armando L. Sanchez / Hechinger Report) Perhaps you have met Irene Robinson [...]

How Conservatives Hijacked “Colorblindness” and Set Civil Rights Back Decades
Ian Haney-Lopez2016-11-29T17:39:31-05:00Why do so many whites respond to the dog whistle refrain that they, and not minorities, are today’s most likely victims of racial discrimination? Colorblindness helps to legitimate the substance of dog whistle complaints because it promotes understandings of race and racism that obscure discrimination [...]