Tomorrow, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel is facing reelection. Responsible for appointing both the CEO and school board, Emanuel exercises enormous control over the city’s public schools. Under his leadership, Chicago shut down forty-nine public schools in 2013. “The School Closure [...]

Chicago School Closings; Film Screening, Research Presentation, and Panel Discussion
empathy2016-11-29T17:39:18-05:00Chicago's School Closings — Film Screening, Research Presentation, and Discussion The second installment in The School Project film series, Chicago's Public Schools: Closed will explore the major event in 2013 that sparked the filmmaker team to begin this project: the [...]

Good Morning Mission Hill on a Screen Near You
empathy2016-11-29T17:39:21-05:00Unlike most of their public school peers, Mission Hill teachers have control of their curriculum, and a say in most aspects of school life. At this Boston public school academics connect to experiences, empathy and exploration are valued, and children with diverse abilities [...]

Good Morning Mission Hill – Rethink What Equity Looks Like in Public Schools
empathy2016-11-29T17:39:21-05:00GOOD MORNING MISSION HILL – The Freedom To Teach, The Freedom To Learn A reaction against the latest public school reforms is brewing, with parents all over the country opting out of the 2014 testing cycle. Many more are [...]

Ready for Kindergarten Film
empathy2016-11-29T17:39:28-05:00Ready for Kindergarten Preparing a child for school doesn’t start the moment he or she walks into the kindergarten classroom. The preparations start the moment that child is born. Students’ very first classroom is their home and [...]

‘American Promise’ and ‘Promises Kept’ – The Black Male Achievement Gap
empathy2016-11-29T17:39:29-05:00‘American Promise’ and ‘Promises Kept’: New documentary, book tackle black male achievement gap By Alexis Garrett Stodghill | Originally Published at The Grio. February 3, 2014 at 4:42 PM New documentary, book tackle black male achievement gap Inspired [...]

Education Film Series: “The New Public”
empathy2016-11-29T17:39:33-05:00Screening Event Details and Registration The award-winning 2013 documentary The New Public chronicles the lives, and daily experiences, of a group of high school teachers and their students in their first and fourth years in an alternative school in the tough Bedford-Stuyvesant neighborhood of Brooklyn. Director [...]

Henry Louis Gates Jr. On Untangling African-American History
empathy2016-11-29T17:39:33-05:00Empirical evidence has helped us understand the roots of racism and why it is rampant in American society. Psychologist and Social Scientist Daniel Kahneman discovered, "What You See Is All There Is [WYSIATI.] Today, in the United States, we see colors, separate and unequal. [...]
The Mask You Live In
empathy2016-11-29T17:39:38-05:00Stop crying. Stop with the tears. Don’t cry. Pick yourself up. Stop with the emotions. Don’t be a pussy. Don’t let anyone disrespect you. Be cool and be kind of a dick. Always keep your mouth shut. Nobody likes a tattletale. Rose come before hoes. [...]