John Lewis; March: Book One – The Book Reviewed Reviewed By Robert Kirby | Originally Published at The Comics Journal October 23, 2013 March: Book One is the memoir of Congressman John Lewis (District 5, Georgia) who has had a long and distinguished political [...]

Lessons From the 1963 Boycott Then and Now Anniversary Event
empathy2016-11-29T17:39:33-05:00You were there. If perchance you were not physically present at the actual 1963 Boycott of the Chicago Public Schools you can be there at the 50th Anniversary event,Lessons From the 1963 Boycott Then and Now. [See the Program [pdf]. View videos of the [...]

Henry Louis Gates Jr. On Untangling African-American History
empathy2016-11-29T17:39:33-05:00Empirical evidence has helped us understand the roots of racism and why it is rampant in American society. Psychologist and Social Scientist Daniel Kahneman discovered, "What You See Is All There Is [WYSIATI.] Today, in the United States, we see colors, separate and unequal. [...]

Lessons From the 1963 Boycott
empathy2016-11-29T17:39:34-05:00'63 Boycott - Today is Freedom Day LESSONS FROM THE 1963 BOYCOTT The Struggle for Quality Education in Chicago Then and Now On October 22, 1963, more than 200,000 Chicago Public Schools students boycotted school to protest segregation and inequality, in one of the largest civil [...]

APHA Infographic; Public Health Takes On Obesity
empathy2016-11-29T17:39:34-05:00APHA Obesity infographic: Public Health Takes On Obesity: A Route To Better Health Originally Published at American Public Health Association. 2013 Obesity is a serious and costly health problem facing our nation. The number of kids and teens who are obese has nearly tripled in the past [...]

Stop the School-To-Prison-Pipeline Video and Infographic – What Can You Do?
empathy2016-11-29T17:39:37-05:00Originally Published at Advancement Project. September 3, 2013 What Is The School-To-Prison-Pipeline? We are facing a crisis. Across the country, students are being suspended, expelled, shuffled off to disciplinary alternative schools, and even arrested for minor misbehavior or trivial actions like being late or [...]

Civil Rights Icon, John Lewis Makes a Comic of His Own
empathy2016-11-29T17:39:37-05:00Click to Enlarge. March: Book One Pages. See Story Below. Inspired by a Landmark MLK Comic Book, Civil Rights Icon Makes a Comic of His Own By Aaron Colter| Published at Underwire | Wired. August 28, 2013 Today marks the 50th anniversary of the March on [...]

Stride Toward Freedom: The Montgomery Story (1958)
empathy2016-11-29T17:39:37-05:00Fifty years later, we are still inspired by the work and words of Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King Junior. However, as frequently occurs, in time, a mirage remains, the actual memory is morphed. The struggle continues, but sadly lessons are lost. So, as begin to stride for [...]

American Revolutionary: ‘The Evolution of Grace Lee Boggs’
empathy2016-11-29T17:39:38-05:00‘Solutionaries are today’s Revolutionaries ~ Grace Lee Boggs Originally Published at Conversations That You Will Never finish October 26, 2013 The Evolution Never Ends and is Now Captured on Film The first time I even heard the word Solutionary [...]